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Message TypesLocate this document in the navigation structure

A message type determines how program execution is handled after the message has been raised.

The following message types are available:

Message Type Message Behavior Message will be displayed in / on:
I Information Once the user has confirmed the message, the program continues immediately after the MESSAGE statement. Dialog box
S Status The program continues normally after the MESSAGE statement. Status line of the next screen
W Warning Depending on the program context, an error dialog box appears and the program stops or terminates. Here the user has to take action. Status line
E Error Depending on the program context, an error dialog box appears and the program stops or terminates. Here the user has to take action. Status line or dialog box
A Termination The program terminates when the user has confirmed the message. Control returns to the next highest area menu. Dialog box
X Exit The program will terminate with a short dump if a runtime error occurs. In this case no message will be displayed. NOTE: Message type X allows you to force program termination. The short dump contains the message ID. -