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Working with Findings in the ATC Result BrowserLocate this document in the navigation structure

This section shows you how to work the ATC Results Browser view in ABAP Development Tools (ADT).

Browsing ATC Results

The ATC Result Browser allows you to browse through the ATC results for each ABAP Project (representing a connection to an ABAP system) created in your ADT Workspace. On the top level, the view displays the active ATC result replicated from the central quality system. In addition, the user can display the results of their own local ATC check runs executed in the connected system, or browse the ATC check results from other users.

Remember The ATC findings in the active result may be outdated if the code in the development system has been corrected in the meantime.
Active result and local ATC results
Figure 1: Active result and local ATC results

To browse ATC results from other user, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the root node in the view.
  2. Choose Change User Filter... from the context menu.
    Accessing the user filter
    Figure 2: Accessing the user filter
  3. In the dialog that appears, enter the new user and confirm with OK.
Navigating Within the View

Navigation From ATC Result to Findings

A single click on the results entry (left side) displays the list of ATC findings that belong to the corresponding ATC result.

From ATC result to findings
Figure 3: From ATC result to findings

Jumping from Finding to Source Code

A double-click a finding lets you jump into your source code at the position where the ATC found a problem.

Displaying Details and Details of the Finding

If you want to view the specifics of an ATC problem, select an ATC finding and choose Show Details from the context menu or click the corresponding icon (on the right).

Navigating Back to Results Overview

To return to the results overview, select an ATC finding and choose Show Results Overview from the context menu or click the corresponding icon (on the left).

Navigating back to ATC results
Figure 4: Navigating back to ATC results
Running a Recheck

If you, as a developer, want to know if the ATC findings from the replicated active result or the local ATC runs are available in the relevant development system, you can avail of the recheck functionality in the ATC Result Browser view.

To run a recheck in your local development system, proceed as follows:

  1. Select either the Active Result or a result entry from local ATC check runs.
  2. Choose Recheck from the context menu.
When running a recheck, ATC uses a Code Inspector variant that is predefined in your local system.
Running Recheck for active result
Figure 5: Running Recheck for active result
Applying for ATC Exemptions