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Step 9: Smart Chart with Chart Personalization and Variant ManagementLocate this document in the navigation structure

In this step, we will look at the SmartChart control with the chart personalization and in combination with the VariantManagement control that allow you to use complex graphics along with other smart control features.

The SmartChart control can be used for visualizing data in a graphical manner. The SmartChart control creates a chart based on OData metadata and the configuration data that has been specified. The entitySet property must be specified to use the control. This property is used to fetch fields from OData metadata, from which the chart UI is generated.

There are several features that can be enabled in SmartChart, but for this tutorial, we will have a look at the following features:

  • Chart personalization

  • Variant management support

  • Semantic object navigation using SemanticObjectController


This is what the smart chart looks like initially after firing the query:

Figure 1: Initial Look of Smart Chart after Firing Query

The toolbar of the smart chart contains the header, and next to it is the variant management dialog that has been explained in detail in one of the previous steps.

Next to the variant management dialog is a button labeled Jump To. This button is disabled by default, but once a column has been selected inside the chart, this button gets enabled. When we click this button, a popup appears that contains details of the selected column. You can also navigate to related apps from here. This feature is enabled using SemanticObjectController. When we hover the mouse pointer over a column, a popup is displayed to provide additional information.

Figure 2: Semantic Navigation Feature

The button at the right-hand side of the toolbar can be used for selecting the chart type:

Figure 3: Selection of Chart Type

The two buttons next to the Jump To button can be used to drill up and drill down into the chart. Using this feature you can display even more detailed information in the chart:

Figure 4: Drillup and Drilldown Features

If we set the showDetailsButton and showDrillBreadcrumbs properties to true, we can also use an alternative drilldown function: A button labeled Drilldown is shown. If a column is selected inside the chart, this button changes into a Details button. When you click this button, again, a popup appears that contains details of the selected column and allows you to navigate to related apps. On the left-hand side, you see the breadcrumbs trail for the drilldown path, which you can also use to drill up within the chart.

Figure 5: Drilldown by Dimensions

The next button can be used to toggle legend visibility:

Figure 6: Toggle Legend Visibility

The two buttons next to this in the toolbar are used for zooming in or out. This will help you to get a clearer picture of a particular entity. The next button in the toolbar is the Settings icon that opens the personalization dialog for the chart:

Figure 7: Dialog for Adding Measures and Dimensions

The button next to the settings can be used to display a chart in full screen mode. The chart will then take up 100 % width and height of the browser.


You can view and download all files in the Explored app in the Demo Kit under Smart Controls - Step 9 - Smart Chart.

<mvc:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"
	controllerName="sap.ui.demo.smartControls.SmartChart" xmlns:sl="sap.ui.comp.navpopover"
	<smartChart:SmartChart enableAutoBinding="true"
		entitySet="Products" useVariantManagement="true"
		persistencyKey="SmartChart_Explored" useChartPersonalisation="true"
				navigationTargetsObtained="onNavigationTargetsObtained" navigate="onNavigate" />

We see that a new control has been added to the view.xml. In the SmartChart control, we refer to the entity type that we will see later in the metadata.xml. With SemanticObjectController that is added to the semanticObjectController aggregation of SmartChart, we can enable the display of linked data for a particular entity. We also set enableAutoBinding=”true”, which enables automatic execution of the query and thus shows the result as soon as the SmartChart control is loaded. We set useVariantManagement=”true” and persistencyKey=”SmartChart_Explored” to enable the variant management. We also set useChartPersonalisation=”true”, which enables the chart personalization.

], function(Controller, MessageBox) {
	"use strict";

	return Controller.extend("sap.ui.demo.smartControls.SmartChart", {
		onNavigationTargetsObtained: function(oEvent) {
			var oParameters = oEvent.getParameters();
			var oSemanticAttributes = oParameters.semanticAttributes;"Supplier", new sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData({
				text: "Homepage",
				href: "",
				target: "_blank"
			}), [
				new sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData({
					text: "Go to shopping cart"
			], new sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm({
				maxContainerCols: 1,
				content: [
					new sap.ui.core.Title({
						text: "Product description"
					}), new sap.m.Image({
						src: "img/HT-1052.jpg", //oSemanticAttributes.ProductPicUrl,
						densityAware: false,
						width: "50px",
						height: "50px",
						layoutData: new sap.m.FlexItemData({
							growFactor: 1
					}), new sap.m.Text({
						text: oSemanticAttributes.Description

		onNavigate: function(oEvent) {
			var oParameters = oEvent.getParameters();
			if (oParameters.text === "Homepage") {
			} + " has been pressed", {
				icon: sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION,
				title: "SmartChart demo",
				actions: [


The following two functions are defined:

  • onNavigationTargetObtained()

  • onNavigate()

onNavigationTargetObtained() is called when a column is selected and you click the Jump To button. With the click event the semantic parameters are obtained, and the function renders a navigation popover containing a simple form that presents detailed information of the entity selected as can be seen in figure 2.

onNavigate() is called when the links in the navigation popover are clicked. This is done to demonstrate how you add more functionality to the data in the navigation popover. In our example, we are just showing a message box and the navigation to one other link.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="1.0"
		<edmx:Include Namespace=""
			Alias="Common" />
		<edmx:Include Namespace=""
			Alias="UI" />
	<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion="2.0">
		<Schema Namespace=""
			sap:schema-version="0" xmlns="">
			<EntityType Name="Product" sap:service-schema-version="1"
				sap:service-version="1" sap:semantics="aggregate"
					<PropertyRef Name="ProductId" />
				<Property Name="ProductId" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="10" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Product ID"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="Category" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="40" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Product Category"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="255" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Name"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="Description" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="255" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Description"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="SupplierName" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="80" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Company Name"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="Quantity" Type="Edm.Decimal" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="3" sap:aggregation-role="measure" sap:label="Quantity"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="Price" Type="Edm.Decimal" Nullable="false"
					Precision="23" Scale="4" sap:aggregation-role="measure" sap:label="Price"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
				<Property Name="CurrencyCode" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
					MaxLength="5" sap:aggregation-role="dimension" sap:label="Currency Code"
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:sortable="true"
					sap:filterable="true" />
			<EntityContainer Name=""
				<EntitySet Name="ProductCollection" EntityType=""
					sap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:deletable="false"
					sap:pageable="false" sap:content-version="1" />
			<Annotations Target=""
				<Annotation Term="">
						<Record Type="">
							<PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="Name" />
							<Annotation Term=""
								EnumMember="" />
						<Record Type="">
							<PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="Category" />
							<Annotation Term=""
								EnumMember="" />
			<Annotations Target=""
				<Annotation Term="">
						<PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Line Items" />
						<PropertyValue Property="ChartType"
							EnumMember="" />
						<PropertyValue Property="Dimensions">
						<PropertyValue Property="Measures">
			<Annotations Target=""
				<Annotation Term=""
					String="SemanticObjectCategory" />

The most important point to keep in mind is that analytical annotations along with chart annotations need to exist in the metadata.xml. The most prominent annotations are listed below:

  • sap:semantics="aggregate"

    An analytical operation can be performed on the data. This has to be added to EntityType (in our case “Product”)

  • sap:aggregation-role="dimension"

    Defines that a property of EntityType is treated as a dimension.

  • sap:aggregation-role="measure"

    Defines that a property of EntityType is treated as a measure.

  • Annotation Term="

    Defines the UI annotation for rendering a chart.

  • EnumMember=""

    Defines the default chart type.

  • Annotation Term=""

    Defines the SemanticObject annotation for EntityType (in our case the product category).

	"ProductId": "1239102",
	"Name": "Power Projector 4713",
	"Category": "Projector",
	"SupplierName": "Titanium",
	"Description": "A very powerful projector with special features for Internet usability, USB",
	"WeightMeasure": 1467,
	"WeightUnit": "g",
	"Price": 856.49,
	"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
	"Status": "Available",
	"Quantity": 3,
	"UoM": "PC",
	"Width": 51,
	"Depth": 42,
	"Height": 18,
	"DimUnit": "cm"

We have only listed a part of the Products.json entries since the actual values are not so relevant. Please note that for your convenience we have included additional properties in this file to make it easier to experiment with changes of the metadata.xml, and possibly of the view.xml, to allow for a more hands-on experience.