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Syntax Form
DEFINE TYPE structure {

A structure is a data type that consists of components. Each component can be an elementary type (either through a data element or the specification of the data type and length in the structure definition), another structure, or a table type. A structure can be nested to any depth.


In ABAP Development Tools (ADT), you can create and edit structures in the ABAP source code editor that run on backend systems with SAP NetWeaver 7.5.


The source code below defines a structure named employee that

  • has a single component for the name of the employee.
  • has the short text “Employee of a company” and cannot be enhanced. This restriction is defined by its structure annotation.
@EndUserText.label: 'Employee of a company'
@AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory: #NOT_EXTENSIBLE
DEFINE TYPE employee {
  name : employee_name; 