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Conditions in LogpointsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You have the option to specify a condition for a dynamic logpoint.

The condition is evaluated at runtime, whenever the source code position of the dynamic logpoint is reached. If the condition is fulfilled (evaluates to true), the dynamic logpoint delivers results according to the content of the KEY and FIELDS entries of the specific dynamic logpoint. Otherwise, if the condition is not fulfilled, the logpoint provides no results at all.

Note NOTE: An empty condition always evaluates to true.

The condition has an ABAP-like syntax, where you can use ABAP data objects that are valid at the source position at runtime and also the following ABAP operators:

  • Standard comparison operators: EQ,=,NE,<>,><,<,LT,>,GT,<=,=<,LE,>=,=<,GE
  • Operators for string analysis: CO,CN,CA,NA,CS,NS,CP,NP
  • Special unary operators: IS INITIAL, IS BOUND, IS ASSIGNED

Similar to ABAP syntax, you can also use the operators NOT, AND,OR and brackets to combine elementary conditions.

sy-subrc <> 0
oref is bound and oref->attr = ‘abc’
( itab[1]-string is initial or not itab[1]-string co ‘0123456789’ ) and
( itab[2]-string is initial or not itab[2]-string co ‘0123456789’ )