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Operators in Breakpoint ConditionsLocate this document in the navigation structure

The operators you can use in your logical expression along with breakpoint conditions are a subset of what you can use in ABAP source code. However, the syntax and semantics of this subset during runtime are the same:
  • Standard comparison operators: =, <, >, <=, >=, <> or EQ, LT, GT, LE, GE, NE

  • Logical operators: NOT, AND, OR and brackets to combine elementary conditions

  • Operators for string analysis: CO, CN, CA, NA, CS, NS, CP, NP

  • Special unary operators: IS [NOT] INITIAL, IS [NOT] BOUND, IS [NOT] ASSIGNED


sy-subrc <> 0

oref is bound and oref->attr = ‘abc’

( itab[1]-string is initial or not itab[1]-string co ‘0123456789’ ) and ( itab[2]-string is initial or not itab[2]-string co ‘0123456789’ )

( I < J ) AND NOT oref->i GT dref->k OR X = Y[3]-COMP1 OR X = Y[2]-COMP1