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Currency Translation and Unit ConversionLocate this document in the navigation structure

If you want to perform a currency translation or unit conversion in your DataStore object (advanced), there are various ways to model this.


If you model your DataStore object with InfoObjects, the reference between the key figures and the associated currencies or units is guaranteed due to the InfoObject.

This is also recognized by a CompositeProvider, which is defined on the DataStore object.

Only Field-Based

If you only model your DataStore object using fields, then the key figures and currencies or units of measure can be stored in a field of any type.

If the types are reporting-compatible, then the fields are visible in a CompositeProvider that is defined on a DataStore object. This means:

A field with the data type quantity (QUAN) must have the following properties:
  • The length must be > 1 and < 31 and the decimal places >= 0.
  • An aggregation behavior must be set.
  • It must reference a field of type UNIT. This field must have length 3 and cannot have any decimal places.
A field with the data type currency (CURR) must have the following properties:
  • The length must be > 1 and < 31 and the decimal places >= 0.
  • An aggregation behavior must be set.
  • It must reference a field of type CUKY. This field must have length 5 and cannot have any decimal places.

If the types are not reporting-compatible, then you need to create an Open ODS view on the DataStore object, in order to perform the assignment.

Then you can create associations in the CompositeProvider. This allows you to create an assignment between the key figure and currency/unit of measure field.

Field-Based with Metadata

If you only model your DataStore object using fields, then you can assign the type CURR to the key figure, for which you want perform a currency translation, and assign the type CUKY to the currency. You can assign the type QUAN to the key figure, for which you want to perform a unit conversion, and assign the type UNIT to the unit of measure. You need to specify a field of type CUKY on the key figure.

An association with 0CURRENCY is added for the currency field in the BW back end.

The relationship between the key figure and the currency is then stored in the metadata and a CompositeProvider defined on the DataStore object can derive the assignment from the relationship.