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Value Help AssignmentsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Syntax Form
  WITH VALUE HELP value_help
    WHERE value_help_parameter1 = structure.component1
      [AND value_help_parameter2 = structure.component2 ...];

You can add a value help to an elementary component. For this, you add the WITH VALUE HELP keywords, followed by the name of the value help and the assignments, to the value help parameters as a WHERE condition. Single assignments are connected through the AND keyword.


In the WHERE condition, you must provide all parameters of the value help.

Editor-Specific Information

You can only use value helps of the ABAP Dictionary. Value helps that are implemented with check tables or similar technologies are maintained through a foreign key relationship.


The employee_number component is typed with the s_employee_id data element. For this component, the z_department value help is defined. The id and depnumber value help parameters are supplied with components of the surrounding structure. The language value help parameter receives a constant value.

  employee_number : s_employee_id WITH VALUE HELP z_department
    WHERE id = 
      AND depnumber = structure.dep_number 
        AND language = 'EN';