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Getting Text Through Text AssociationsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Using the CDS text association, you can define the relationship between an element (field) and its corresponding texts or descriptions. The texts are usually language-dependent and are displayed in the end user's language. If you annotate an element with a text association (as described below), the associated text or description field is added as a field to the referencing entity. At runtime, this field is read from the database and filtered by the logon language of the OData consumer automatically. It is not necessary to use session properties or view parameters in your CDS view.


To retrieve texts by direct use of text associations, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a data definition with a CDS view that serves as text provider

    The following set of CDS annotations is relevant when defining text views:

    Relevant Annotations:

    The following annotation is required at the view level:

    Annotation and Value


    @ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT Indicates that the annotated CDS view represents texts (defines a text provider view)
    Note Usually one key element is used to specify the language!

    The following annotations are required at the view element level to annotate the language key element and the text elements from the view’s element list:

    Annotation and Values


    @Semantics.language: true The annotated element identifies the language field.
    @Semantics.text: true
    Identifies view elements as text elements (fields pointing to a textual description)

    In general, you can annotate more than one view field as a text field. However, only the first annotated field will be considered in the text consumer view for OData exposure.

    More on this:


    The listing below implements a sample text view. Its entity is named I_UnitOfMeasureText and uses database table T006A as its data source. In this example, the two fields MSEHT (UnitName) and MSEHL (UnitLongName) are annotated as text fields with @Semantics.text: true. However, note that - in OData exposure scenarios - the first text element listed in the annotation array will be handled as a descriptive text of the annotated field in the consumer view.

      @ObjectModel.dataCategory: #TEXT
      @EndUserText.label: 'Unit of Measure Text'
      define view I_UnitOfMeasureText  
    	as select from T006A        as TextProvider
    	key TextProvider.msehi          as UnitOfMeasure,
    	@Semantics.language: true       -- identifies the language  
    	key TextProvider.spras          as Language,
    	@Semantics.text: true            -- identifies the first text field for names
    	TextProvider.mseht              as UnitName
    	@Semantics.text: true            -- identifies the second text field
    	TextProvider.msehl              as UnitLongName
  2. Create a text association from your consumer CDS view to the text provider view

    The following CDS annotation is relevant when creating text associations:

    Annotation and Values


    @ObjectModel.text.association: '<_AssocToTextProvider>' Name of an association with a text view that provides descriptive texts for the annotated element. In other words: the annotation indicates that the description for the annotated element is available using the text association <_AssocToTextProvider>.

    More on this:


    The view I_UnitOfMeasure in the listing below serves as a consumer for the text provider that has been implemented in the previous step. For this purpose, the association _Text with the target view UnitOfMeasureText is defined. To indicate the field for which a text should be made available through the association _Text, the annotation @ObjectModel.text.association is added. Note that only the first text element (UnitName) from the text provider, which is annotated with @Semantics.text: true, will be considered for OData exposure.

      define view I_UnitOfMeasure as select from T006 as UnitOfMeasure
    	association [0..*] to I_UnitOfMeasureText as _Text 
    		on $projection.UnitOfMeasure = _Text.UnitOfMeasure
    	@ObjectModel.text.association: '_Text'
    	key msehi as UnitOfMeasure,
Caution If you use the Referenced Data Source (RDS) option for OData service creation, it is important that you always regenerate your gateway project in transaction SEGW after you add, change, or remove text associations in the consumer views contained in the project. The same is true if you change the order of fields in the text provider view - since such changes trigger the data type change of the entity set in gateway project.