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Built-in Functions in Breakpoint ConditionsLocate this document in the navigation structure

There are several built-in functions available for defining breakpoint conditions. All functions have a return value and can include up to one argument. To find out what the type of the return value and the argument is, read the detailed description of the functions below.

Note that the syntax of the built-in functions is based on ABAP style. For example, SPACES are mandatory before the argument and before the closing bracket.

Functions Available:

LINES( itab )


Returns the number of rows of an internal table itab

Return value

Number of rows

Return value has ABAP type I.


Valid ABAP variable that represents an internal table

If an argument type other than ABAP internal table or an invalid symbol is specified, the program will stop when it reaches the breakpoint and a corresponding error message is issued.

STRLEN( str )


Returns the current length of string str


Trailing blanks in character fields with fixed lengths are not counted.

Return value

Number of characters

Return value has ABAP type I.


Valid ABAP variable of generic type CHARLIKE

If an argument type other than CHARLIKE or an invalid symbol is specified, the program will stop when it reaches the breakpoint and a corresponding error message is issued.

XSTRLEN( str )


Returns the number of bytes

Return value

Number of bytes

Return value has ABAP type I.


Valid ABAP variable of type X or XSTRING

If an argument type other than X or XSTRING, or an invalid symbol is specified, the program will stop when it reaches the breakpoint and a corresponding error message is issued.



This function is used to identify inexact arithmetic operations that are executed with the numeric data type decfloat16 or decfloat34.

Return value

'X' - if the final result of the an operation (for example, COMPUTE or MOVE) is inexact due to rounding

' ' - otherwise (exact result).


No argument