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Adding Business Object Semantics to Data ModelLocate this document in the navigation structure

This topic demonstrates how you can implement a Business Object view to provide a normalized data model for a simple Sales Order application.

Business Object View

Each business object view must contain a specific set of @ObjectModel CDS annotations, indicating - for example - the root of the given entity. The business object view of the root entity needs additional CDS annotations in order to trigger the automatic generation of the respective BOPF business object, which is named after the respective business object view.

The annotations (required) for each root entity are:

Annotation and Values


@ObjectModel.modelCategory: #BUSINESS_OBJECT

Serves for semantic categorization only (the CDS view represents a business object) in the context of the Virtual Data Model (VDM). The model category is an optional annotation and has no runtime effect.

We recommend adding this annotation to views representing the root node of a business object.

@ObjectModel.compositionRoot: true

Defines the root of the compositional hierarchy for the business object to be created

@ObjectModel.transactionalProcessingEnabled: true

Enables transactional runtime support

In addition, the following annotations are required for all editable entities (including the root entity):

Annotation and Values


@ObjectModel.writeActivePersistence: '<database_table>

Specifies the database table for storing BO data changes that result from transactional behavior

@ObjectModel.createEnabled: true

Allows you to create new business object instances

@ObjectModel.deleteEnabled: true

Allows you to delete business object instances

@ObjectModel.updateEnabled: true

Allows you to update existing business object instances

More on this: OData Annotations

Starting Point and Prerequisites
For our Sales Order scenario, we assume that...
  • The DDL-based data definition, as the corresponding development object, is already created in the ABAP package of your choice. In our case, both the data definition and the business object view are named as ZDEMO_I_SALESORDER_TX.
  • The persistence model is already defined. In particular, you have already created and activated the database table ZTAB_SO that serves as data source for the business object view
  • The key in the data model corresponds to the primary key (SALESORDER) of the underlying database table.
Implementing the Data Model

The following listing provides you with the implementation of a rather elementary Sales Order data model, where the database table ZTAB_SO is defined as the data source for the corresponding CDS view ZDEMO_I_SalesOrder_TX (camel case notation!). In addition, the table ZTAB_SO also serves as a storage place for business object data changes that result from transactional behavior. Therefore, this table is specified in the @ObjectModel.writeActivePersistence annotation. To be able to access business data from other entities, a set of associations is defined as part of the data model. These associations refer to CDS views that are already provided as part of the EPM data model.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDEMO_I_SO'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'Sales Order for transactional app'
@ObjectModel.semanticKey: 'SalesOrder'
@ObjectModel.modelCategory: #BUSINESS_OBJECT 
@ObjectModel.compositionRoot: true  
@ObjectModel.transactionalProcessingEnabled: true  
@ObjectModel.writeActivePersistence: 'ZTAB_SO'
@ObjectModel.createEnabled: true
@ObjectModel.deleteEnabled: true 
@ObjectModel.updateEnabled: true
define view ZDEMO_I_SalesOrder_TX 
	as select from ZTAB_SO as SalesOrder  -- the sales order table is the data source for this view
	association [0..1] to SEPM_I_BusinessPartner            as _BusinessPartner on $projection.BusinessPartner = _BusinessPartner.BusinessPartner
	association [0..1] to SEPM_I_Currency                   as _Currency        on $projection.CurrencyCode     = _Currency.Currency
	association [0..1] to SEPM_I_SalesOrderBillingStatus    as _BillingStatus   on $projection.BillingStatus    = _BillingStatus.SalesOrderBillingStatus
	association [0..1] to Sepm_I_SalesOrdOverallStatus      as _OverallStatus   on $projection.OverallStatus    = _OverallStatus.SalesOrderOverallStatus    
	key SalesOrder.salesorder           as SalesOrder, 
	@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_BusinessPartner'
	SalesOrder.businesspartner          as BusinessPartner,       
	@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_Currency'  
	@Semantics.currencyCode: true
	SalesOrder.currencycode             as CurrencyCode, 
	@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'CurrencyCode'
	SalesOrder.grossamount              as GrossAmount, 
	@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'CurrencyCode'
	SalesOrder.netamount                as NetAmount, 
	@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_BillingStatus'
	SalesOrder.billingstatus            as BillingStatus, 
	@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_OverallStatus'
	SalesOrder.overallstatus            as OverallStatus,
	/* Associations */ 
Activating the Data Definition

After ensuring that the syntax of the CDS view is complete and correct, activate the data definition (as the corresponding development object).

Checking the Generated Business Object

As a result of successful activation, the BOPF runtime creates a business object ZDEMO_I_SALESORDER_TX (upper case notation!) that is named after, and is stored in, the same package as the underlying CDS view, in our case: ZDEMO_I_SalesOrder_TX (camel case notation!). The decorator within the editor ruler indicates that the generation process has been successful. If you move the cursor over the decorator, an info screen informs you that the business object is generated for the CDS view. In addition, the info screen provides you with a link to the business object editor.

Quick info screen after successful creation of the business object
Figure 1: Quick info screen after successful creation of the business object

On the entry page of the BO editor, you can identify the Constants Interface that has been generated together with the business object.

Remember Constants Interface is an ABAP interface that is dedicated to a specific business object. The interface includes constants for each business object’s entity like nodes, attributes, actions and so on. We will be using it later on when we add an action to the business object generated.
Entry page of the BO editor
Figure 2: Entry page of the BO editor

If you now choose Go to the ROOT node, you can view some more details at the entity level of the business object. You must know these when you proceed to use the BOPF API - for example, when implementing an action. Here you can find the names of the ABAP Dictionary objects that have been generated together with the business object.

Root node of the BO – Entity Level
Figure 3: Root node of the BO – Entity Level

If you click on the Properties tab, you can view the status of each element (attribute) related to the business object created. This information is important for you when you proceed to define the static field control in the business object view later on.

Figure: Root node of the BO – Properties level
Figure 4: Figure: Root node of the BO – Properties level