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Methods of Adapting Next Extent SizeLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the BRCONNECT function in BR*Tools to adapt the next extent size (you cannot do this with BRSPACE because it is designed for the administration of locally managed tablespaces). Here we explain examples of the following two methods that you can use to change next extents with BRCONNECT to a non-standard value:

  • Delayed method

    Enter the required nonstandard value in the next_special parameter of the initialization profile init<DBSID>.sap.

    This parameter has the following syntax:

    next_special = [<owner>.]<table>:<size>[/<limit>]

    | [<owner>.]<index>:<size>[/<limit>] | (<object_size_list>)

    You can enter <size> in KB; MB, or GB.

    <limit> specifies the maximum number of extents, MAX_EXTENTS. 0 means unlimited.


    next_special = (SDBAH:400K, SAPR3.SDBAD:2M/300)

    The first run of brconnect -f next after this parameter change permanently alters the next extent values.


    We recommend you to use this method.

  • You can use this method to quickly increase the next extent size of a table or index:


    Only use this method if you want to set the next extent to a higher value than the standard value. If you set a lower value, the next run of brconnect -f next sets it back to the standard value. If you want to reduce the next extent, use the first method above.

    1. Start BRGUI or BRTOOLS.

    2. Choose Start of the navigation path Additional functions Next navigation step Adapt next extents End of the navigation path.

    3. Enter a value in Special NEXT extents (special) to set the option -f next -s|-special


      If you enter a value of 400k/300, this sets the next extent, NEXT_EXTENT, to 400 KB and the maximum number of extents, MAX_EXTENTS, to 300.

    4. In the next menu, if you only want to change the value for the table and not for its indexes, set force to nocasc. Or, if you only want to change it for indexes, you can directly enter index names in the field table.

    5. To start processing with the selected options, choose Continue.

If you want to adapt next extents to the standard values, start BRCONNECT without the parameters specified above.