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Display Formula Parameters of an Application Server InstanceLocate this document in the navigation structure


Profile parameter values in profiles can consist of arithmetical formulas too. All formula parameters of an application server instance can be displayed in transaction RZ11 (maintain profile parameters). Here you can display a list of formula parameters that were manually overwritten in the default profile or in the instance profile. You can also compare the formula values of the kernel profile with the overwritten values.


  1. Call transaction RZ11 (maintain profile paramers).
  2. Choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step All Formula Parameters End of the navigation path.
    A window with a selection screen is opened.
  3. You have three options to select from. Confirm your selection by choosing Display.
    • Formula Parameters: A list of all used formula parameters of the application server instance is displayed. You also get information about the (resolved) values in various profile files (kernel profile, default profile, instance profile) and the current (resolved) value.
    • Formula Parameters Overwritten in the Profile:A list of formula paramters that were manually overwritten in the default or instance profile is displayed. You also get information about the (resolved) values in various profile files (kernel profile, default profile, instance profile) and the current (resolved) value.
    • Simulation mode: Values when formula parameters are not overwritten: A list of profile parameters is displayed that are either formula parameters themselves or depend on formula parameters, and whose values change if you simulate "zero administration". The current value is compared with the value that would result if all profile parameters that have a formula as the kernel default are removed from the profiles (default and instance profile). The profile in which the formula parameter was overwritten is also displayed here.
    If you want to see whether a formula was sent for the new values of the overwritten formula parameters, you have to check this directly in the corresponding profile file. In RZ11 only the resolved value is displayed here.