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 Defining Room and Room Part Folders in the CM Room ExtensionLocate this document in the navigation structure


The CM Room Extension (CMRoomExtension) is a standard extension delivered by SAP for rooms and room parts. It manages folders for data in the rooms and room parts in the Content Management (CM) repository.

Extension Points

You must create the CM room extension for each of the following extension points and define the input and output parameters required in each case.


The system passes on parameter values that it defines when creating a room, for example, the room ID or the room folder, to the other extension points. 

Type of Template

Required Extension Points

Room template

  • Room creation (ON_CREATE_ROOM)
  • Room deletion (ON_DELETE_ROOM)

Room part template

  • Room part creation (ON_CREATE_ROOMPART)
  • Room part deletion (ON_DELETE_ROOMPART)
  • Addition of a room part to a room (ON_ADD_ROOMPART_TO_ROOM)
  • Removal of a room part from a room (ON_REMOVE_ROOMPART_FROM_ROOM)

When the extension point in question is reached, the system executes the CM room extension in the rooms or room parts that are based on the template. It takes into account the values of the input parameters and returns the values of the output parameters to the rooms or room parts.

Folders for the CM Room Extension

For the CM room extension, SAP delivers the following preconfigured folders in the Content Management repository, in which the extension can create room-specific or room part-specific subfolders, for example, folders for documents, news items, and links. You can change the list of available folders to meet your company's requirements. Path in the portal: Content Administration → Collaboration Content → Room Template Administration or Room Part Template Administration → Configure Extension Stores.


As soon as rooms or room parts have been created, you cannot move the folders for the CM room extension again.


Example: Define CM Folders for the Event of Creating a Room Part

  1. When creating a template, choose the Extensions stepor when editing a template, choose the Extensions tab page.

    The list of the assigned extension displays all entries for the extension with a task-specific configuration for certain extension points. 

  2. Select one of the following options:
    • If you want to add the CM room extension for a particular activity, proceed as follows:
      1. Choose Add Extension.
      2. Enter a meaningful and unique name, for example, "Documents", if you want to use this extension configuration to create folders for documents (see figure below).
      3. In the Extension field, choose the CM Room Extension.
      4. Choose the extension point that you want to configure the extension for.
      5. Choose Add.
    • If you want to add and configure an extension point to the CM room extension, choose Add → <Extension Point> in the context menu for the extension.

  3. Define the input parameters for the extension.

    You use the input parameters to define how the system should create and use the folder.

    1. In Store, choose the appropriate preconfigured folder for storing the data. The extension creates a subfolder in this folder for each room part (in accordance with this example).
    2. If the system is to copy initial content, for example, documents, to the folder when creating the room or room part, choose in the Template field the folder that you want the initial content placed in.
    3. To define the name of the subfolder that the system is to generate for each room or room part, enter in the Workspace Name field a parameter (that returns the name) or a fixed value.
    4. In the Access field, define the access permission for the folder as follows:
      • If only room members are to access the folder (read and write permission), choose Private.
      • If, in addition to the room members, all portal users are to receive read permission for the folder, choose Public.
    5. If you want to make the folder that the extension point generates available in the Current Rooms and My Room Folders entry points as a target folder for copy processes, choose the value Yes in the Entry Point field. (For reasons of downwards compatibility, every folder is allowed to be displayed among the entry points by default. If you do not enter a value here, Yes applies.)If the folder should not be available as a target folder, choose No.
    6. To define the full access permissions to the room-specific folder for the room roles, enter in the Room Role Names field a parameter (that returns the name) or a fixed value. If there is more than one entry, use a comma to separate the room roles.
    7. By default this parameter is empty and the room main group should have the full access permissions to the room-specific folder.
    8. If the execution of the extension depends on the result of a previous action, specify in Dependency the extension point that the system needs to take into account before the current extension point. For example, this allows you to ensure that the folder is already created before the system sets the corresponding permissions. Syntax: <Name (ID) of the entry>:<Name of the extension>.
  4. Define the output parameters for the extension.

    You use the output parameters to define which values the extension returns to the room or room part.You use the Mappedflag to activate output parameters for use within the template. In Parameters, you can enter a variable or a fixed value for each output parameter.

    1. If the system is to pass on the unique name (ID) of the folder to another extension or an iView, specify the ID of the folder generated in Workspace. You only require this parameter in exceptional cases.
    2. If the system is to pass on the folder path to another extension or an iView, specify the complete path to the folder in Workspace Path.

Depending on the extension point defined, the CM Room Extension performs the following activities:

Extension Point

Activities for the CM Room Extension

Room creation (ON_CREATE_ROOM)

  • Create the room-specific subfolder in the preconfigured folder.
  • Assign full access permissions to the room-specific subfolder for the room role or for the member group of the room and assign this group to the permission owners of the subfolder.
  • If access is defined as public: Assign the read-permission for the room-specific subfolder to all portal users ("Everybody").
  • Create a link to the room-specific subfolder in the room structure.

Room deletion (ON_DELETE_ROOM)

  • Delete the links to the room-specific subfolder in the room structure.
  • Delete the room-specific subfolder.

Room part creation (ON_CREATE_ROOMPART)

  • Create the room part-specific subfolder in the preconfigured folder.
  • Copy the predefined content to the room part-specific subfolder.
  • If access is defined as public: Assign the read-permission for the room part-specific subfolder to all portal users ("Everybody").

Addition of a room part to a room (ON_ADD_ROOMPART_TO_ROOM)

  • Assign full access to the room part-specific subfolder for the member group for the room and assign this group to the groups of owners of the subfolder.
  • Create a link to the room part-specific subfolder in the room structure.

Removal of a room part from a room (ON_REMOVE_ROOMPART_FROM_ROOM)

  • Revoke full access to the room part-specific subfolder for the member group for the room and revoke the assignment of this group to the groups of owners of the subfolder.
  • Delete the links to the room part-specific subfolder in the room structure.

Room part deletion (ON_DELETE_ROOMPART)

  • Delete the room part-specific subfolder.

Folder and Link Structures for the CM Room Extension

The graphic below shows which folder and link structures the CM Room Extension creates in the CM repository. The system automatically creates a subfolder for each room or room part in the (standard) folder for the room or room part structure. This folder forms the structure of the respective room or room part by means of the following links:

  • Room part links (links to the associated room parts)
  • Folder links (links to the folders of the respective room or room part)

The folder that forms the structure of a room contains links to the entire content of the room and can therefore be used as the entry point for copy and insertion functions. Due to this link mechanism, you can store folders for the room or the room parts in different folders or repositories.