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This BRSPACE function lets you manage data encryption.

Function options:

  • -a|-action: specifies the type of manage action for data encryption.

    Input syntax: -a|-action open|chpass|close|create|delete|disable|display|enable|list|listts|newkey|rekey|save|show

    • open opens the database wallet

    • chpass changes the wallet password

    • create creates the database wallet

    • delete deletes the database wallet

    • disable disables auto-open wallet

    • display displays database wallet information

    • enable enables auto-open wallet

    • list lists encrypted tables and columns

    • listts lists encrypted tablespaces

    • newkey generate new master key

    • rekey re-key encrypted tables

    • save saves database wallet

    • show shows encryption status

    Default: none, since you must always specify the action

  • -f|-force: forces table re-key

    Default: do not re-key if the SAP user is connected

  • -g|-algorithm <algorithm>: specifies the encryption algorithm, which can be 3DES168, AES128, AES192, or AES256

    Default: AES192

  • -l|-local yes|no: specifies a local auto-open wallet

    Default: yes, for Oracle 11g and higher

  • -n|-newpass|-N|-NEWPASS [<password>]: specifies the new wallet password

    Default: none

  • -p|-password|-P|-PASSWORD [<password>]: specifies the wallet password

    Default: none

  • -t|-table all_etab|[<owner>.]<table>|<table_list>: specifies the encrypted tables for rekey

    all_etab: all encrypted tables

    Default: none