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Monitoring Daemon Processes for Real-Time ProcessingLocate this document in the navigation structure


With the first subscription in real-time mode, with the first connector that you schedule real-time indexing for that is, a daemon process is automatically scheduled in the delta queue (known as the ODQ daemon). If the daemon process is already schedules, it adds new subscriptions to the process in real-time mode. The daemon is automatically removed from scheduling if the last subscription is cancelled, if the associated connector is not scheduled any more for real-time indexing.


You monitor the daemon process in the delta queue for real-time processing (ODQ daemon) in the Delta Queue Monitor by choosing Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Real-Time Daemon End of the navigation path. You can schedule the daemon manually here if required.

Monitor Daemon Process

A status indicates whether or not a daemon process is scheduled. By pressing Job Overview, you can call the Job Selection scrren, where all daemon jobs from the last 24 hours are listed. By pressing Execute, you can call the job overview, where you can call each job's job log.

Manually Schedule Daemon Process

If the daemon process had to be stopped, you can schedule it again by pressing Quick Scheduling with the default settings for Period (15 minutes) and Takt Cycle (15 seconds).

If you want to schedule the daemon process with settings other than the default settings, you can enter the Period in Minutes and the Takt Time in Seconds and schedule the process by pressing Execute.