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 Installing and Configuring the Active-X ControlLocate this document in the navigation structure


The steps below explain how to download the Active-X control and configure your system so that you can access Microsoft Outlook data using Thick Client.


  1. Create an HTML page for displaying Outlook data within a browser. You do this using a standard HTML editor such as Microsoft Frontpage.
  2. Add the following code for the Active-X control:


<object ID="ViewCtl1" classid="CLSID:0006F063-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"  codebase="../outlctlx.CAB#ver=9,0,3024" width="100%" height="100%" id="Messages">

<param NAME="View" VALUE>

<param NAME="Folder" value="Inbox">

<param NAME="Namespace" VALUE="MAPI"> 

<param NAME="Restriction" VALUE=" = ''">

<param NAME="DeferUpdate" VALUE="0">



  1. This HTML page is to display the contents of the inbox from the Outlook client.
  2. Create controls for viewing the calendar and inbox. You do this using VB script.

<script language=vbscript>

Sub ViewCalendar()

ViewCtl1.Folder = "Calendar"

End Sub


Sub ViewInbox()

ViewCtl1.Folder = "Inbox"

End Sub

</script >


  1. Add the controls to the HTML page for navigation. For the image files, create the icons using a picture editor or download icons from

<span class="MenuItem" id="spanMessages1" style="WIDTH: 97px; HEIGHT: 22px" onclick="ViewCalendar()">

<img SRC="calendar.gif">Calendar</span>


<span class="MenuItem" id="spanMessages1" style="WIDTH: 97px; HEIGHT: 22px" onclick="ViewInbox()">

<img SRC="inbox.gif">Inbox</span>

  1. Create a folder on the server on which the Internet Information Service is running under Inetpub (for example, c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/Outlook) and add the HTML file and the images.
  2. Download the Active-X control from and place it in the above folder.
  3. Create a virtual directory beneath the default Web site (for example, Outlook­_Portal) and point it to the folder containing the files.
  4. Launch the HTML in your web browser. The Outlook control is loaded in the browser and displays the inbox for the profile configured on the machine.

    You can also add controls for viewing other Outlook folders such as Drafts, Public Folders, and Tasks.



You can now create a Web-based iView using the URL for the HTML file.