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Automatic Configuration Using Task Manager Task ListsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can use Task Manager task lists to automate the configuration and administration of Embedded Search.

In the ABAP system, you can use transaction STC01 to execute a series of Task Manager task lists. Each list contains a collection of tasks relating to a particular aspect of the configuration or administration of Embedded Search.

Embedded Search provides the following Task Manager task lists for setting up and running the system.

Table 1: Task Lists for Setting Up Embedded Search
Scenario Name Description
Initial setup of Embedded Search in client 000 after a new installation or copy of a system in which Embedded Search was not yet set up. SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_000_CLIENT Provided for automatic execution of the obligatory preparation steps for Embedded Search in a system. Execute this task list in client 000.

This can take a very long time, so start the task list in the background.

Initial setup of Embedded Search in the work client after a new installation or copy of a system in which Embedded Search was not yet set up. SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT

Provided for the automatic initial setup of Embedded Search in the work client.

This can take a very long time, so start the task list in the background.

Postprocessing after a system copy of Embedded Search SAP_ESH_ADJUST_AFTER_COPY

Provided for performing the necessary configuration steps in client 000 after a system copy.

The copy was prepared by an executable Embedded Search system.

The task list adapts the instance data wherever it occurs.

Postprocessing after a client copy of Embedded Search SAP_ESH_ADJUST_AFTER_CLIENT_COPY

Provided for performing the necessary configuration steps in the client copy.

The copy was prepared by an executable Embedded Search system. The task list adapts the instance data wherever it occurs.

Table 2: Task Lists for Productive Operation of Embedded Search, Execution in Work Clients
Scenario Name Description
Performing a consistency check SAP_ESH_CONSISTENCY_CHECK Provided to resolve errors in search object connectors. The consistency check performs a series of tests to establish the cause of the error. You receive the check results with details of the individual tests. Read the error messages to receive more detailed information about the cause of the error.
Creating or deleting connectors SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC

Intended for automatic creation and subsequent indexing of connectors.

You can use the task SAP_ESH_DELETE_SC to delete connectors.

This can take a very long time, so start the task list in the background.

Speeding up the release of changes to user authorizations SAP_ESH_INDEX_USER_AUTHORITY

Provided for automatic indexing and release of changed user authorizations.

If you have changed user authorizations and, for example, added or deleted users, you must start delta indexing of the object USER_AUTHORITY. This task list re-indexes the object.

Once you have triggered this task list once in the background, it is then started periodically, once a day.

System update by hotfix, patch, or update SAP_ESH_UPDATE_SC

Provided for automatic update of connectors and scheduling of indexing after a system update.

This can take a very long time, so start the task list in the background.

To execute a task list, proceed as follows:

  1. Log on to the ABAP system.
  2. Start transaction STC01.
  3. Enter the name of the required task list and press F8.
  4. Some task lists require you to enter data before they can trigger automatic processing. Enter the data on the relevant screens as required.
  5. To start automatic processing of the task list, press F8.
    Note Some tasks should only be executed in the background (F9) or have particular prerequisites. Consult the relevant documentation in the system.

You can call the documentation for each individual task list in the system. You can call the relevant documentation for each task list and each task in the list by using the help icon. You can call the help for the task list directly by pressing CTRL+F1. This calls the documentation for all tasks in the list. The help for the individual tasks is located to the right of the icon, in the Help column.