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The availability status shows in the form of an icon whether portal users are available in the portal for collaboration through services, for example, e-mail, instant messaging, or application sharing.


The availability status icon appears in front of the user name. In the portal, it appears in the following iViews:

  • Collaboration Launch Pad (CLP)
  • Member List in Rooms
  • User Details iView
  • Who's Who iView

Displaying the Availability of Other Portal Users

The availability status provides the following information about the availability of other portal users:

Displayed Availability Status Meaning

For the contact or room member, the display of the availability status is suppressed.

The contact or room member is online and available for collaboration in the portal.

The contact or room member is logged on to the portal (online), but is not available for collaboration in the portal (does not want to be disturbed).

The contact or room member is offline.

Setting Your Own Availability Status

In the CLP, each user can set the display of his or her own availability status.


If your company is not planning to allow users to set their own availability status, you can hide the corresponding Collaboration Launch Pad (CLP) iView component.

Setting of Your Own Availability Status Definition Effect

Suppress status

In front of your user name, the system displays the Availability status suppressed icon.

Other portal users cannot see whether you are online.


This setting is required for example, if displaying the availability status is forbidden for data protection reasons.

Determine status automatically

The system shows other portal users whether you are Online  or Offline.

Not available

The system shows that you are online, but  Not available for collaboration in the portal.