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 Assigning Permissions for Using TemplatesLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can restrict the use of room templates and room part templates by assigning template-specific permissions. This does not affect general access permissions such as those for content administrators.

  1. When creating a template, choose the Permissions step. When editing a template, choose the Permissions tab page.
  2. To give users, user groups, or roles permission to use a template, enter them in the permission list for the template. If there is more than one entry, use a semicolon to separate the entries.

    The entries in the permission list have the following effect:

    Type of Template Effect of the Permissions

    Room template

    At least one entry: Only users with permission can use the template to create rooms.

    Room part template

    At least one entry: Only users with permission can add the room part to a room.

    Room template or room part template

    No entry: The template is available to all users with access to template administration and administration for the room in question.