Use self-registration to enable users to create their user accounts themselves in the data source of the user management engine (UME). When the UMEis configured for self-registration, a self-registration link appears on the Welcome screen. When a user chooses this link, the Self-Registration screen appears. The table below lists the configuration options for self-registration.
Configuration Options for Self-Registration
Option | Description |
Approve a privacy statement |
A link to a privacy statement and an approval indicator appears on the Self-Registration screen. Users must set the indicator before they can complete registration. The UMErecords the date, version, and URL of the accepted privacy statement in the user profile. |
Generate a password automatically |
The UMEautomatically generates the user's initial password and e-mails the password in the registration success message. The user must change the password at the next logon.
The UMEe-mails the password in plain text. |
Enter contact information |
Users can enter their personal contact information. |
Enter a security question and answer |
Users can choose or enter a security question and answer. The system uses this information to confirm the identity of users, when users attempts to reset their own password. |
Enter self-managed custom information |
Users can enter data for the custom self-managed attributes. These are attributes you can add to the user profile, which the user can manage for him or her self. |
Register for a company |
Users can choose to register for a company. The company attribute appears on the Self-Registration screen. Registered users remain members of the company for guest users until approved by a user administrator. |
More information: Configuring User Management .
Settings for Configuration Options for Self-Registration
Configuration Option | Settings |
To enable users to register for a company: |
Set the following indicators Enable Self-Registration for Companies. Set the indicator Enable Self-Registration of Guest Users to enable the guest user company. |
To approve privacy statements: |
In the URL for the Privacy Statement field, enter the URL to a privacy statement. Include the variable {0} to designate a version number. This enables you to maintain multiple versions of the privacy statement and switch between them without changing the URL. In the Version Number of the Privacy Statement field, enter the value used by the variable {0} .
On your Web server you have created a privacy statement with the filename privacy2.htm . You point to this file by entering the following value for Specifies link to privacy statement:{0}.htm Enter the following value for Version Number of the Privacy Statement: 2 . During self-registration, the Self-Registration screen provides a link to privacy2.htm . To change the privacy statement, create a new version, privacy3.htm , and change Version Number of the Privacy Statement to 3 . |
To automatically generate passwords: |
Set the Generate User Password Automatically indicator. The UMEgenerates the initial password for a user during registration automatically. The UMEe-mails the password to the e-mail address the user provided. Otherwise, users must enter their own initial password. |
To enter contact information: |
Set the Display Contact Information Form During Self-Registration indicator. |
To enter a security question and answer: |
Configure logon help. More information: Enabling Users to Reset Their Own Password . |
To enter self-managed custom information: |
Configure self-managed custom attributes.
Configuring the custom attributes requires you to restart SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java. More information: Adding Custom Attributes to the User Profile . |
You must assign this action or no users can register.
Assign this action only to the group anonymous users, but not to another role or group such as everyone.
Users can now register themselves. On the Self-Registration screen, the user can enter user account information. Logon ID, password, last name, and e-mail address are mandatory. The other data a user can enter depends on how self-registration is configured. If you use companies with self-registration, user administrators have a new task in their workflow. User administrators must approve self-registered users before the users can become members of a company.
More information: Companies and Self-Registration with Approval .
To update the privacy statement, create a new privacy statement document updating the version number in the file name and in the UMEproperty. This enables you to preserve past privacy statements should you need to refer to them.
Bahv Nielsen creates a privacy statement privacy1.htm and sets Version Number of the Privacy Statement to 1 . Later the Legal department tells Bahv that he needs to update the statement. Bahv creates privacy2.htm and changes the setting to 2 . If Bahv is audited, he has preserved past versions of the privacy statement.
Bahv Nielsen has set up an external facing portal to provide his company's customers access to information about their products and enable the marketing department an opportunity to collect information about their customers. To do this, Bahv wants to enable self-registration. Customers register with the portal to gain access to areas available only to confirmed customers.
Bahv creates a privacy statement so users know that the marketing department views their anonymized personal data, but that this data is not passed on to third-parties.
Now Bahv configures the UMEfor self-registration, privacy statements, and entering contact information. He also wants the UMEto automatically generate and send a password by e-mail, so he enables e-mail notification and the automatic generation of passwords.
Bahv sets the following indicators:
Bahv makes the following settings:
Bahv creates a role called Self-Management with the UMEaction UME.Manage_My_Profile and assigns this role to the group Authenticated Users. He then creates a role called Self-Registration with the UMEaction UME.Selfregister_User and assigns this role to the group anonymous users.
Bahv tells his coworker Miguel Nishids to get started on creating the portal content.