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Using Operational Data Providers in MultiProvidersLocate this document in the navigation structure


TransientProviders derived from Operational Data Providers (ODPs) can be used in MultiProviders. Note that a MultiProvider in this case can only contain TransientProviders that are derived from Operational Data Providers (ODPs). You cannot use modeled InfoProviders in this type of MultiProvider.


You create MultiProviders based on the TransientProviders of ODPs in the MultiProvider maintenance. Here, all the available TransientProviders are displayed in a separate tab.

In the MultiProvider maintenance, you assign the MultiProvider characteristics to the InfoObjects of the relevant InfoProviders, by uniquely identifying the characteristics. With TransientProviders derived from ODPs, InfoObjects can be identified if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • The fields corresponding to the relevant characteristics of the various TransientProviders are associated with the same master data ODPs (from the Data Extraction ODP type). In other words, they are the representative key fields of these ODPs. This requirement is similar to InfoObjects that reference the same reference characteristic in BW.

  • The fields corresponding to the relevant characteristics of the various TransientProviders are semantically identical, for example, "CALDAY".

  • The name of the basic characteristic can be identified using the ODP field name and type properties (internal type, length, conversion exit).

More Information

For more information on MultiProvider maintenance, read the Business Warehouse modeling documentation.