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URIs for Accessing BPM Task DataLocate this document in the navigation structure

This topic lists the available uniform resource identifiers (URI) you can use to access BPM task data or perform an operation on the task. It also describes how the BPM OData service handles IDs used in BPM to identify different artifacts.

Available URIs
Action URI Description

Get task input data

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/InputData?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/InputData('<task-instance-id>')?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/$metadata

The response body provides the task input data.

Get task output data

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/OutputData?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/OutputData('<task-instance-id>')?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/$metadata

The response body provides the task output data.

Get task faults

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/FaultData?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/FaultData(‘<task-instance-id>’)?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/$metadata

The response body provides the task faults and the related data.

Get task fault data

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<fault-name>?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<fault-name>(‘<task-instance-id>’)?$expand=<wrapper-type>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/$metadata

The response body provides the task fault data.

Get task data property

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<task-data>(<task-instance-id>)/<property-name>

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<task-data>(<task-instance-id>)/<property-name>/<nested-property-name>

The response body provides the property with the specified property name.


<task-data> can be InputData, OutputData, FaultData or <fault-name>

Get simple property value

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<task-data>(<task-instance-id>)/<simple-property-name>/$value

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<task-data>(<task-instance-id>)/<navigation-property-name>/<simple-property-name>/$value

The response body provides the value of the simple property with the specified <simple-property-name> property name.


<task-data> can be InputData, OutputData, FaultData or <fault-name>

Get element of a collection which represents a navigation property

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<task-data>(<task-instance-id>)/<collection-name>('<entity-key>')

GET /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/ <task-data> (<task-instance-id>)/<navigation-property-name>/<collection-name>('<entity-key>')

Response body provides an element (entity) identified by <entity-key> key in the collection with <collection-name> name.


<task-data> can be InputData, OutputData, FaultData or <fault-name>

Complete a task

POST /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/OutputData


The request body provides the task output data as values of the corresponding primitive properties and the data structure (EDM entities resolved) of the modeled OutputData.

The response body for the POST request contains the OutputData of the completed task. HTTP status code is 201.

Complete a task with a fault

POST /bpmodata/taskdata.svc/<task-instance-id>/<fault-name>

The request body provides the task fault data as values of the corresponding primitive properties and the data structure (EDM entities resolved) of the modeled TaskFaultData.

The response body for the POST request contains the task fault data of the completed task. HTTP status code is 201.

* To protect modifying requests such as POST against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, a valid CSRF token is required. Therefore, you need to request a CSRF token with a GET request containing the header 'X-CSRF-Token' with value 'Fetch' before using the POST request. Modifying requests without a valid CSRF token are rejected.


You can use only the URIs that are listed in the table. In addition, for GET data requests, the $format option is allowed. No other additional OData parameters are supported.

Only GET and POST requests that are mentioned in the table above are supported by the BPM Task Data OData service.