The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) is a tool that supports data migration from legacy systems (non-SAP systems) to SAP systems. It is a cross-platform component of the SAP system.
Do not use the LSMW before the SAP system has been installed and application customizing has been completed.
The LSMW is a cross-application component (CA) of the SAP system.
The tool has interfaces with the Data Transfer Center and with batch input and direct input processing as well as standard interfaces BAPI and IDoc.
The Legacy System Migration Workbench is called using transaction LSMW.
Instead of individual tables or field contents, the tool migrates user-defined datasets (known as objects), which are combined according to business criteria. In addition to using standard import techniques, you can also generate user-specific objects. For more information, see Recordings.
The LSMW comprises the following main functions:
Read data (legacy data in spreadsheet tables and/or sequential files). You can use any combination of PC and server files.
Convert data (from the source into the target format).
Import data (to the database used by the SAP application).
The following additional functions are available:
Import techniques: Apart from standard batch/direct input and recordings, BAPI and IDocs are available as additional import methods.
Global Functions: You can call certain functions from an ABAP code location of your choice, and so influence the procedure used to migrate your data.
Editor Function: The source code for a target field can be checked. You can insert source fields, global variables, and global functions as well as use the Pretty Printer.
Action Log: All the actions associated with an object are stored in an action log.
The field assignments for all parts of a project can be downloaded/uploaded in one step.
Unassigned Source Fields: Neglected data can be displayed.
Source Fields: You can create source fields by copying them from other sources.
Processing Times: The ABAP code can be added to at different times.
Authorizations: The LSM Workbench is independent from the client. Access to the LSMW is controlled by authorizations. The assignment of these authorizations is basically independent from the client. The Display, Execute, Change, and Administration functions can be controlled by assigning authorizations.
Documentation: User-specific documentation can be stored at different levels and formatted into an overall documentation by pressing the appropriate button.
Restrictions The LSMW supports a one-time transfer of data (initial data load) and also offers a restricted support of permanent interfaces. Thus, a periodic transfer of data is possible. The LSMW, however, does not include any functions for monitoring of permanent interfaces. The tool does not support any data export interfaces (outbound interfaces).
More information about data conversion with the LSMW: