Transaction Code |
Name in the SAP System |
IMG Activity |
OAC0 |
Content Repositories |
Defining Content Repositories |
In this transaction you define the content repositories and thus the storage systems (in other words, the content server on which documents can be stored).
The fields on the Details and Create tab pages differ, depending on what storage type you choose for your repository. In the field for storage type, you set what kind of physical storage medium you want for your repository:
Storage type HTTP Content Server
Choose this setting if you want to store your content on a HTTP content server, for example, the SAP Content Server, or third-party HTTP content servers. See below for more information.
Storage type SAP System Database
Choose this setting if you want to store your content directly into the SAP system database. See below for more information.
Storage type RFC Storage
Choose this setting if you want to store documents in an SAP ArchiveLink or Archive Development Kit (ADK) environment, or in an application that uses SAP ArchiveLink or ADK (see also Data Archiving in the ABAP Application System).
Storage type Structure Storage
Usually, no settings are required here. The structure repository is only used in conjunction with SAP Knowledge Warehouse.
You can decide to use simple or full administration. The number of fields shown depends on your decision.
After you have saved your content repository, the time of creation, the creator's user name, and the creator's real name are automatically inserted. If you have made changes to an existing repository, details about the changes are also inserted. The time is set in accordance with the time zone specified in the user settings.
HTTP Content Server
To store content in a content server, choose
HTTP Content Server in transaction
OAC0 for your content repository. A prerequisite for this is that you have defined your content repository using
CSADMIN (see also
Content Server and Cache Server Administration). You can go directly from
OAC0 to
CSADMIN by choosing
You can also send certificates here. To do this, choose
. You need to send certificates to be able to work with signed URLs. Once the certificate has been sent to the content server, it normally has to be activated on the content server before you can work with the content server and store documents.
You can also carry out a connection test (
) and call status information (
). The status information then appears on the lower half of the screen.
Besides the version number, you also need to know the host name of the HTTP server where your repository is. You also need the port number, the SSL port number if applicable, and the HTTP script.
You specify all this information in the simple administration function for HTTP content server repositories in transaction OAC0.
Example for a HTTP content server repository in OAC0.
Usually, the simple administration function is sufficient.
You only need to use full administration in special cases, such as the following: However, you may need the full administration function in the following situations:
You want to switch off the signature for test purposes.
You want to make different entries for the basic path and the archive path.
The flag No Signature is deactivated by default; in other words, the signature is activated by default. This option controls the availability of the functions for checking and creating signatures.
Repositories in the SAP System Database
To store content in an SAP database, choose SAP System Database in transaction OAC0 for your content repository. When selecting this storage medium, you can specify for the sub-storage medium whether you want to store the actual document content or URLs. After specifying the version number, you also need a content table (client-specific or cross-client), that is, a table in which your documents are stored in the database. The structure of the content table should correspond to the table SDOKCONT1. The field CLUSTID, however, can be larger than the corresponding CLUSTID field in SDOKCONT1. Also, the client may be available (for example, in table BDS_CONT1). You set all this information in the simple administration function for HTTP content server repositories in the SAP system database in transaction OAC0.
Example of a repository in the SAP system database in OAC0.
As before, simple administration is usually sufficient here.
You only need to use full administration in special cases, such as the following: However, you may need the full administration function in the following situations:
You want to switch off the signature for test purposes.
You want to make different entries for the basic path and the archive path.
The flag no signature is deactivated by default; in other words, the signature is activated by default. This option controls the availability of the functions for checking and creating signatures.