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Displaying a Job LogLocate this document in the navigation structure


All message types issued by a program running in the background are stored in a job log, which you can display either to obtain information on a prematurely terminated program or to complete a detailed investigation of a particular background processing run. A separate log file is created for each job.

Deleting Log Files

You should never delete log files directly. If you want to clear the log directory, you must delete the jobs to which the logs belong. In the process, the logs are also deleted.

Job logs are held in the TemSe temporary sequential objects storage facility. TemSe is configured to always store job logs as operating system files in the shared SAP directories. If you delete log files directly at the operating system level, you create inconsistencies in the TemSe database, which you'll then need to eliminate with the Consistency check function in Transaction SP12.

Log Messages

Log messages are generally output using ABAP keyword MESSAGE. With the exception of ABAP breakpoint statistics, no other data is normally output to the job log.

ABAP Short Dumps

If an ABAP program generated a dump when it terminated abnormally, you can display the dump by clicking on the Abend message.

Batch Input Messages

Messages output during batch input sessions are not recorded in the job log. These messages are output only to the batch input system.


  1. Go to Select Background Jobs using Transaction SM37 or by choosing Start of the navigation path CCMS Next navigation step Jobs  Next navigation step Maintenance End of the navigation path.
  2. Select the jobs you want to review in the job log by specifying conditions that identify the job or jobs, including job name, user name, job status, start condition, or contents of a job step. Execute this selection to see a list of jobs that match these criteria.
  3. In the Job overview screen, select your desired job and choose Job log.
  4. In the Job Log Entries for <jobname> screen, the date and time of each job step is listed along with identification of any system-generated messages that apply to each step. Message types include A (Abend), E (Error), S (Successful processing completed), I (Information), and W (Warning).
  5. You can print the job log ( Start of the navigation path Job log Next navigation step Print list End of the navigation path ) or save the log by exporting it to a word processing, spreadsheet, or local file ( Start of the navigation path Job log Next navigation step Print list Next navigation step Export Next navigation step <file type> End of the navigation path ).
  6. For further information about a particular item in the job log, select the line and choose Long text. The resulting help screen can include further information about diagnosing the message, the system's response to the message, and how the user should follow up.