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No Connection Information Available


In the Start of the navigation path Landscape Next navigation step Connectivity End of the navigation path window on the RFC/Current tab, the following message appears:

Connection data in saprfc.ini missing


In the TREX configuration, no connection information for SAP systems has been specified.


  1. In the Start of the navigation path Landscape Next navigation step Connectivity End of the navigation path window on the RFC/Current tab, choose the Create Connection function.

  2. Specify the connection information for the SAP system.

  3. If there is no logon data for the SAP system, specify this as well.

Additional Information

Initial Configuration of the RFC Connection

No Logon Information Available


The following message is displayed:

Logon data in topology.ini missing


In the TREX configuration, no SAP system user is specified that the TREX admin tool (stand-alone) can use to log on to the SAP system.


  1. Define which user is to be used to log on (see Creating a SAP System User for the TREX Admin Tool (Stand-Alone)).

  2. Specify the user in the TREX configuration.

    To do this, use the TREX admin tool (standalone), Start of the navigation path Landscape Connectivity Next navigation step RFC/Current End of the navigation path tab, Logon Data function.

No RFC Destinations Available in the TREX Configuration


The following message is displayed:

RFC Destination(s) in topology.ini missing


No RFC destinations are specified in the TREX configuration. It is possible that no RFC destinations have been created in the SAP system.


Depending on the situation, choose one of the following actions:



You have already created an RFC destination in the SAP system.

In the Start of the navigation path Landscape Next navigation step Connectivity End of the navigation path window on the RFC/Current tab, choose the RFC Destinations function. Specify the name of the RFC destination.

You have not yet created any RFC destinations.

In the Start of the navigation path Landscape Next navigation step Connectivity End of the navigation path window on the RFC/Current tab, choose the RFC Destination (SM59) function.

You use this function to create an RFC destination in the SAP system and register it in the TREX configuration.

For more information, see Configuring the RFC Connection in the TREX Admin Tool.

Connection Fails


The following message is displayed:

Connect to SAP System Failed


Connection to an SAP system failed. Common causes are:

  • The connection and logon information that is specified in the TREX configuration is incomplete or incorrect.

  • The SAP system cannot be reached on the network.

  • The user that is used to log on to the SAP system is locked in the SAP system.

  • The user that is used to log on to the SAP system has not been created in the default client.

  • The SAP system is earlier than Release 6.20.

  • The SAP system does not contain the support package stack that includes the necessary functions.


  1. You must check the following information:

    • SAP system connection information

      Choose Connection and check the section that refers to the SAP system. For example, compare this section with the information about the SAP system that is stored in SAP Logon.

    • Logon information

      Choose Logon Data and check whether logon data is specified for the SAP system. If no logon information is defined, enter a SAP system user that exists in the SAP system.

  2. Only for connection type A: Check whether the application server that is used to create the connection is active. To do this, use transaction SM51 in the SAP system.

    If the application server is not active, specify a different application server in the TREX configuration. To do this, use the TREX admin tool (standalone), Start of the navigation path Landscape Connectivity Next navigation step RFC/Current End of the navigation path tab, Connection function.

  3. Check whether the SAP system can be reached on the network. To do this, open a command prompt and try to reach one of the following servers with the ping command:

    • The application server used to create the connection (connection type A)

    • The message server (connection type B)

  4. Check whether the SAP system user that the TREX system uses to log on to the SAP system is locked. To do this, use transaction SU01 in the SAP system.

    If the user is locked, unlock it.

  5. In the TREX admin tool (standalone), open the help information that is available for the error message Connect to SAP System Failed.

    This help information can contain information about more possible causes of the error.

  6. Check the current version of the TrexTCPClient<process_ID>.trc trace file in Start of the navigation path Landscape Connectivity Next navigation step RFC/Current End of the navigation path tab.

    The trace file contains messages that can provide information about the causes of errors.