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Authorizations for CompositeProviderLocate this document in the navigation structure


The analysis authorizations for CompositeProviders are a combination of the analysis authorizations defined for the subobjects and the analysis authorizations defined for the CompositeProvider. To do this, the system takes the intersection of the various InfoProviders. The analysis authorizations created for the CompositeProvider are then merged with the derived authorizations.

In the definition of the CompositeProvider you can also specify that only the analysis authorizations that were created for the CompositeProvider can be used for the authorization check.


This example considers a CompositeProvider that consists of an InfoCube and a MultiProvider that are connected by Union.

The authroizations are combined:

  • Authorizations in the InfoCube: The Product characteristic is restricted to the Sandals value.

  • Authorizations in the MultiProvider: The Distribution Channel characteristic is restricted to the values 2,3.

  • Authorizations in the CompositeProvider: The Distribution Channel field is restricted to the values 2-4.

In the query, the results for Distribution Channel 2-4 are displayed for product Sandals.