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Tab Page: CompositeProviders

Here you see a list of all CompositeProviders that have been created in the workspace.

You can create, change and delete CompositeProviders here. By pressing Display Data, you can view a CompositeProvider's data. By pressing Inform User, you can inform a user by e-mail. If you select a CompositeProvider, its links and fields are displayed in the table at the bottom of the screen. You can then view a graphical display of the CompositeProvider and an overview of the associated queries. Here you can create, change and delete queries, as well as copy key figures.

You see the status of the CompositeProviders:

  • Draft: The CompositeProvider has been saved as a Draft, but not activated yet.

  • Active: The CompositeProvider has been saved and activated.

  • Inactive: The CompositeProvider is given status Inactive if one of the local providers it contains has been deleted.

  • Inactive (obsolete): The CompositeProvider already had status Active and has been changed and saved using Save Draft, but not activated yet.

If CompositeProviders have status Draft, queries can only be saved as drafts too.

For information about the graphical view, see: Graphical View

Tab Page: Central Providers

Here you see a list of all the providers that have been assigned by the workspace administrator. These are providers that have been created centrally in the BW system and BWA indexed. Data content can be displayed and where-used lists run concerning usage in CompositeProviders.

Tab Page: Local Providers

The uploaded providers are dislayed here together with information such as file size.

You can create new local providers, delete existing ones, view data and create a where-used list.

Choose Reload to load modified files from the original location or from a different one, and save them under the same name. This is only possible if the structure of the file has not changed considerably. You can add new columns to the right, but cannot remove columns or change column headers.

Tab: Settings

In the Settings tab, you see general information, such as the name and prefix of the workspace, the maximum memory space for your own workspace providers and the memory space currently used by your own providers, contacts and the expiry date. You can also check whether the option is configured for saving your own data in the database (only visible if you are using a BWA).

You can also check whether a MultiProvider has been defined. If an InfoProvider that is contained in a defined MultiProvider is used in a workspace for modeling a CompositeProvider, the links in the MultiProvider are taken over as they are and cannot be changed manually.