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Checking and Changing Settings for Runtime SystemsLocate this document in the navigation structure


You have loaded a development configuration and are now in the Configuration Service.

For more information, see the Display/Change Development Configuration section in this documentation.


If you edit a development configuration that was created in the Transport Management System (transaction STMS), you can only check and not change the settings for runtime systems in the Configuration Service. You must specify the settings when creating a non-ABAP system in the Transport Management System and change them there too.

For more information, search for the Defining and Configuring Non-ABAP Systems topic in the Transporting Non-ABAP Objects in Change and Transport System documentation.

You can, however, specify whether the automatic deployment of software components that are to be developed is to be activated or not as well as exclude individual software components from the deployment.

If you edit a standalone development configuration, you can specify settings for runtime systems and change the settings that are affected.


  1. Select the Local Settings tab page.

    Information is displayed relating to the type of the runtime system, the host, port, user, and password.

  2. If you edit a development configuration that was created in the TMS, check the settings that are displayed about the type of runtime system, host, port, user, and password.
  3. If you edit a standalone development configuration, select the type of the runtime system using the radio buttons or select that no runtime system is to be used.

    If you use a runtime system, enter the host, post, a user with sufficient authroization on the runtime system, and the relevant password.

  4. Optional: To deactivate the automatic deployment of developed software components that were added to the development configuration, deselect the checkbox Enable Autodeployment of Developed Software Components. In the table you can select which software components are to be deployed and which are not.

    The table contains those software components that were selected as To Be Developed on the Software Component Definition tab.

  5. To save the changes, choose Save.