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Versioning a KM DocumentLocate this document in the navigation structure


The example below shows how to implement custom code in your application so that you can create different versions of a KM Document.

  1. Create a new application:

    More information: Creating Composite Application Development Components .

  2. Create an application service in your application:

    More information: Creating Application Services .

  3. Set dependency to DocContent, Document, and RelatedObject:

    More information: Defining Application Service Dependencies .

  4. To enable document versioning, import the following code in the implementation of the operation:
    DocContentServiceLocal docContentLocal = getDocContentServiceLocal();
    Collection<String> rids = docContentLocal.getRelatedObjectRids(docKey);
    String rid = rids.iterator().next();
    if ( !docContentLocal.isDocumentVersioned(rid)) 
  5. To check out the document for editing, import the following code in the implementation of the application service:
  6. To check in the new version of the document, import the following code:
     byte[] contentVer2 = getResFileContentVersion2();
         docContentLocal.checkin(rid, contentVer2);
  7. To get the whole version history of the document, import the following code:
    String [] versionHistoryRidsArrStr = (String []) 
    docContentLocal.getVersionHistory(rid).toArray(new String[0]);
  8. To set a version of a document as current version:
        (versionHistoryRidsArrStr[versionHistoryRidsArrStr.length -1],