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Configuring WSDL and XSD Import and Reimport PreferencesLocate this document in the navigation structure


In the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, you can configure whether the WSDL and XSD import and reimport dialogs warn you about type conflicts or prompt you to explicitly accept or reject changes. These preferences are relevant in the following cases:

  • Type and service interface changes when you reimport a modified XSD or WSDL document

    In case you have used a service interface in an automated activity or a type in a data object in your process, and the file containing this service interface or data type has been subsequently modified, you need to reimport the modified document. This way, changes are reflected in your process but the process may also become invalid if some operations have been deleted or some types have been changed. You need to reassign the service interface or to recreate the mappings which have become invalid.

    If you select the option to automatically accept changes during reimport, the reimported file silently overwrites the one you have used and the reimport dialog with changes is not shown.

  • Type conflicts when you import a WSDL or XSD document

    A type conflict occurs when an XSD type exists in a document within your project and you try to import a different document containing a type with the same name and namespace, but with different content or structure. You can choose to automatically ignore the following types of conflicts:

    • The newly imported type contains an <annotation> tag.

      In case the only difference between the XSD type existing in your project and the type you want to import is the presence of an <annotation> tag in the new type, you can choose to always ignore this conflict.

      Existing Type

                              <simpleType name="MySimpleType">
                               <restriction base="string">restriction base="string">

      New Type

                              <simpleType name="MySimpleType">
                               <restriction base="string">restriction base="string">
    • The newly imported WSDL entity contains a <documentation> tag.

      In case the only difference between the WSDL entity existing in your project and the WSDL you want to import is the presence of a <documentation> tag, you can choose to always ignore this conflict.

      Existing WSDL

                              <wsdl:message name="NewOperationResponse">
                               <wsdl:part element="tns:NewOperationResponse" name="parameters"/>

      New WSDL

                              <wsdl:message name="NewOperationResponse">
                               <wsdl:part element="tns:NewOperationResponse" name="parameters">
    • The newly imported XSD or WSDL entity contains unrecognizable extensibility elements and attributes.

      In case the only difference between the XSD or WSDL entity existing in your project and the XSD or WSDL you want to import is the presence of unknown elements and attributes, you can choose to always ignore this conflict.

      Existing XSD

                              <complexType name="MyComplexTypeRest">
                                <restriction base="tns:MyComplexType"></restriction>

      New XSD

                              <complexType name="MyComplexTypeRest">
                               <complexContent unknown:test="abc">
                                <restriction base="tns:MyComplexType"></restriction>

    If you select to ignore the conflicts in the above cases, the existing elements and the imported document are not changed.

The above reimport and import preferences are not activated by default.


  1. In the Developer Studio, choose Start of the navigation path Window Next navigation step Preferences Next navigation step Enterprise Service Modeling Next navigation step Import and Reimport End of the navigation path.
  2. Select the following checkboxes according to your preferences:
    • Automatically accept all changes of the reimported document

      The definitions in the repository are automatically overwritten with the ones in the modified WSDL or XSD document without you being prompted.

    • Ignore conflicts in xsd <annotation> tags

      You are not warned in case such a conflict occurs and the new document is imported.

    • Ignore conflicts in wsdl <documentation> tags

      You are not warned in case such a conflict occurs and the new document is imported.

    • Ignore conflicts in extensibility elements and attributes

      You are not warned in case such a conflict occurs and the new document is imported.