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Web item that allows free characteristics to be displayed and selected as filter values in a group of checkboxes.


Using the Checkbox Group Web item, you can easily filter one or more connected data providers according to one or more characteristic values.

You can set or remove filter values in the Web application by setting one or more indicators.


The following information lists the parameters for the Checkbox Group Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings.


Parameter Description

Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to have a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray .

Internal Display

Parameter Description

Label Visible (LABEL_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the long text of the characteristic is to be written as a label beside the checkbox group.

Maximum Length of the Text (TEXT_MAXLENGTH)

You use this parameter to specify the maximum text length for the characteristic values.

Maximum Number of Displayed Values (ENTRIES_MAXCOUNT)

You use this parameter to specify the maximum number of values that are to be displayed in the checkbox group.

Number of Columns(COLUMNS)

You use this parameter to specify the number of entries to be displayed adjacent to one another.


Parameter Description


You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is possible in the Web application. 

Data Binding 

Parameter Description


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider.

We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters "A-Z", "0-9" and "_", but cannot start or end with "_". Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.

Affected Data Provider



You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent.

For each entry in the data provider list, you select a data provider in the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF).

Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

You use this parameter to select the characteristic according to its technical name.

For more information about using the Web item and its functions, see Web Items for Setting Filter Values and Hierarchical Filter Selection Web Item .