IDoc Inbound ProcessingLocate this document in the navigation structure


IDocs (intermediate documents) have been developed for the exchange of messages between different systems. Providing a standard interface with the SAP system, this technique can also be used to transfer data.

For more information, choose transaction Start of the navigation path WEDI Next navigation step IDoc Interface End of the navigation path.


To be able to use IDoc inbound processing, you have to define settings and perform preparatory tasks. These tasks are grouped on the initial screen of the LSM Workbench under Start of the navigation path Settings Next navigation step IDoc Inbound Processing End of the navigation path.

To use IDoc inbound processing, you must first perform the following steps:

  1. Define or select a file port for transporting the file. Optionally, you can also create a tRFC port.

    See: Creating Ports

  2. The partner type has to be defined or selected.

    See: Partner Types

  3. The partner number has to be defined or selected.

    See: Partner Numbers

  4. IDoc inbound processing must be activated, and the workflow customizing must be checked. Both of these tasks are performed once in each system.

    See: Verifying the Workflow Customizing