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The following conventions apply to BAPI methods .

  • If the BAPI to be implemented is a standardized BAPI, use the generic names, for example, GetList , GetDetail . You should particularly note the difference between reading and writing methods and between simple and multiple methods.

  • The method name must be in English (maximum 30 characters).

  • The individual components of a BAPI name are separated by the use of upper and lower case.

    Example : GetList

  • Underscores ("_") are not allowed in BAPI names.

  • Each BAPI has a return parameter that is either an export parameter or an export table.

  • So that customers can enhance BAPIs, each BAPI must have an ExtensionIn and an ExtensionOut parameter. See also: Customer Enhancement of BAPIs .

See also: Standardized BAPIs

The following conventions apply to parameters :

  • Obligatory parameters should be checked to see if they can become optional in the future. This is important to avoid possible incompatible changes to the interface and to guarantee the stability of the interface.

  • If standardized parameters are used, you have to use the names specified for standardized parameters.

  • BAPI parameter names should be as meaningful as possible. Poorly chosen names include abbreviations and technical names (e.g. "flag", table names, etc.).

  • The parameter and field names must be in English with a maximum of 30 characters.

  • The components of a parameter name in the BOR are separated by upper and lower case letters to make them easier to read.

    Example : FlightList

  • Values that belong to each other semantically should be grouped together in one structured parameter, instead of using several scalar parameters.

  • For ISO-relevant fields (country, language, unit of measure, currency), additional fields for ISO codes are provided.


    The CustomerData parameter of the FlightCustomer.CreateFromData method contains, in addition to the LANGU field (language key in SAP code), the LANGU_ISO field (language key in ISO code).


    For more information, see Actions in the ABAP Dictionary .

  • Unit of measure fields must accompany all quantity fields and currency identifiers must accompany currency amount fields.


    See the FlightList parameter of the Flight.GetList method: In addition to the PRICE currency field (standard list price of the flight), there is also the CURR currency field (local currency of the airline).

See also: Standardized Parameters