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Creating References to MIMEsLocate this document in the navigation structure


The editor displays the source code of the BSP layout in change mode.


To create a reference to MIME Repositorys objects on a page of your BSP application, you insert the object URL directly from the browser using Drag and Drop. Depending on the MIME type, you can then use the URL as the source in the appropriate HTML tag.

It is recommended that you create a reference to MIMEs from the application-specific folder or from the /SAP/BC/BSP/[namespace]/PUBLIC folder of the MIME Repository only. References to other MIMEs not specific to the application should be avoided since these objects may be moved or even deleted at any time. You cannot create a where-used list for MIMEs.


  1. Start the browser of the MIME Repository.
  2. Select the MIME object you want to insert in the tree display and drag it to the position in the editor where you want to insert the URL.


The object URL is inserted at the mouse position indicated. Insert a corresponding HTML tag depending on the MIME type and usage.