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Managing Design Time Repository PreferencesLocate this document in the navigation structure


You work in the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.


Setting DTR preferences

  1. From the menu path, choose Start of the navigation path Window Next navigation step Preferences End of the navigation path.

  2. In the dialog that appears, choose Start of the navigation path Development Infrastructure  Next navigation step Design Time Repository End of the navigation path.

If you want to


Set general preferences of the Design Time Repository (DTR)

Specify the decorator settings - this allows you to specify exactly what information is displayed about the resource.

You can also enable session tracing or set workspace filter settings.

Set auto merge exclusion options

Choose AutoMerge Exclusion . Here you can specify which resource file types are excluded from auto merging, in case of a Design Time Repository (DTR) conflict.

Specify settings for the closed activities

Choose Closed Activities . Specify settings for the closed activities.

Specify the DTR connection settings

Choose Connection Settings . Here you specify settings for the DTR server for a certain DTR client.

Set the dialogs behavior

Choose Dialog Settings .

Here you can specify the behavior of the different dialogs that pop up when working with DTR.

Start the worksapce monitor

Choose Dialog Settings .

Here you can start the workspace monitor and define which files should be excluded from monitoring.

Choose the merge/diff tool to use

Choose External Diff/Merge . Here you can specify the location of the diff and merge tools you want to use to compare and merge resources with.

Specify settings for the opened activities

Choose Open Activities . Specify options for the opened activities.

Configuration of the other views

Specify settings for DTR views.

Setting File Types to be Excluded from Storage in DTR

During the development process, some files are created by developers, while others are automatically generated. Whether or not generated files are stored in the DTR depends on the development scenario. The Developer Studio allows you to specify which files should be ignored by the DTR.

  1. From the menu path, choose Start of the navigation path Window Next navigation step Preferences End of the navigation path.

  2. Choose Start of the navigation path Team Next navigation step Ignored Resources End of the navigation path.

  3. Make the following settings:

    1. If you are using scenario Java development with central source file storage, deselect the following file types:

      • .project

      • .classpath

    2. If you are using the scenario with developing components with the NWDI select the following file types:

      • .project

      • .classpath

Prompt for Checking Out Files

When you start typing inside an editor of a file that is not checked out, or if a toolset tries to make one or more files editable, a dialog pops up asking if the file or files should be checked out. To switch off this dialog under When editing a file, choose Auto-edit radio button.