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Automatic Brace and Structure MatchingLocate this document in the navigation structure


Automatic brace and structure matching gives you immediate feedback about misplaced brackets or open-ended code segments. Double-clicking on an opening or closing structure tag or bracket brings you to the matching tag or bracket in the document.


Brace Matching

Automatic brace matching recognizes all brackets types, quotes, and structures defined in the language specification. When you type a closing bracket, both it and its matching bracket remain highlighted until you press another key or move the cursor. This makes identifying code blocks and mismatched or missing brackets and structures much easier.

Figure 1: Runtime Highlighting of Mismatched Brackets

Structure Matching

When you double-click the keyword CASE using the ALT key at the same time, you jump to the WHEN clause automatically. When you double-click the keyword WHEN using the CTRL key at the same time, you jump back to the CASE clause.

Figure 2: Runtime Highlighting of Matched Structures

For more information about adjusting the settings for these features, see Formatting Settings and Display Settings.