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Code HintsLocate this document in the navigation structure


Code hints help you while you type your code by suggesting the most common keywords and recently used identifiers.


To insert a code hint, press Tab.


Inserting code hints or user-defined code templates by pressing Enter is no longer available. If you want to reactivate that option, see SAP Note 1042863.

If there is only one suggestion available, the code hint will be displayed in black letters on white background. If there is more than one potential hint, the most relevant one is displayed in white letters on black background.

Figure 1: Code Hints: More than one option available
Figure 2: Code Hints: Only one option available

Some of the code hints shown contain the symbol ยง. These hints denote templates which you can insert by pressing Tab. You can maintain your own library of templates in the Options dialog box. For more information, see Code Templates.


Code hints are computed by the GUI. For performance reasons, they are derived heuristically by analyzing only the current statement. While keyword hints are always valid at the current cursor position, identifier hints cannot be filtered for correct type or visibility information and may present semantically invalid identifiers.