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Structure of the Log File Templates for Monitoring FilesLocate this document in the navigation structure


The log file template contains information about which text files are to be analyzed in which form, and which properties the corresponding nodes in the monitoring infrastructure are to have.


A log file template is a standard text file (that is, not a link) and consists of one or more parts that start with LOGFILE_TEMPLATE, and conclude with a period ( .) as the only thing in a line.


    DIRECTORY="<directory 1>"

    FILENAME="<file name 1>"

    <Other parameters that relate to monitored file 1>



    DIRECTORY="<directory 2>"

    FILENAME="<file name 2>"

    <Other parameters that relate to monitored file 2>



When setting the parameters, make sure that there are no spaces before or after the equal sign ( =):

A correct example: IGNORE_FILE="dev_w*.old"

An incorrect example: IGNORE_FILE = "dev_w*.old"

General Settings for the Monitored Files

The following parameters of the log file template apply to all files that fulfill the conditions for DIRECTORY and FILENAME:

Parameter and Default Value

More Information

LOGFILE_TEMPLATE (required parameter)

Keyword with which you start a search area; you close the search area with a period ( .) in a line on its own

DIRECTORY="<directory>" (required parameter)

FILENAME="<file name>" (required parameter)

Directory and name of the file that is to be monitored.

Select the Files that Are to Be Monitored

IGNORE_FILE="<file name>" (optional parameter)

Name of a file that is not to be monitored, even if it fulfills the FILENAME condition

CHECK_EXISTENCE_ONLY=[0,1] (Default: 0)

Specifies whether only the file's existence is to be checked ( 1); in this case, all parameters for monitoring search patterns are ignored

MONITOR_NEWEST_FILES=<number> (Default: 20)

Maximum number of files that are to be monitored simultaneously for each log file template

MONITOR_FILESIZE_KB=<size in KB> (Default: not set)

Switch for monitoring the file size. If the size exceeds the threshold value, an alert is generated.

Select the General File Properties that Are to Be Monitored

MONITOR_FILESIZE_BELOW_KB=<size in KB> (Default: not set)

Switch for monitoring the file size. If the size falls below the threshold value, an alert is generated.

MONITOR_LAST_FILE_MODIF=[0,1] (Default: 0)

Switch for creating a node that displays the time when the file was last changed ( 1)

MONITOR_FILE_AGE_MINUTES=<age> (Default: not set)

Switch for monitoring the age of the file. If the age exceeds the threshold value, an alert is generated.

IGNORE_CASE=[0,1] (Default: 0)

Switch for whether the search patterns are case-sensitive ( 0) or not ( 1)

Select the File Content that Is to Be Monitored

RESCANFROMBEGIN=[0,1] (Default: 0)

Switch for whether the file is to be read from the start at every check ( 1) or only the lines that have been added since the last check ( 0)

SHOWNEWLINES=[0,1] (Default: 0)

Switch for creating a node that displays the number of lines created in the file per minute ( 1)


Switch for whether all lines are to be reported in the log attribute Lines found for pattern ( 0), or only the lines that contain the search pattern ( 1)

TIME_FRAME_CONFIG_FILE=<file> (optional parameter)

Configuration file with which you can restrict the file monitoring to particular periods

Select the Time Periods for the File Monitoring

MONITOR_CONTEXT="<context name>" (Default: Files_of_<Host>)

Name of the monitoring contex in which the log file agent writes the results of the monitoring

Defining the Node Properties for File Monitoring

MTE_CLASS="<MTE class>" (Default: CcmsFile<file>)

MTE class of the monitoring object for the file monitoring

PREFIX="<character string>" (Default: not set)

Prefix of the MTE name for display in the alert monitor

AUTOREACTION_CEN="<method name>" (Default: no method)

AUTOREACTION_LOC="<method name>" (Default: no method)

Central or local auto-reaction method assigned to the nodes Lines found for Pattern and File Existence (if they exist)

ANALYZEMETHOD="<method name>" (Default: no method)

Analysis method that is assigned to the alert

Monitored search pattern in the monitored files

You can specify multiple search patterns to be monitored for each of the files that fulfills the conditions for DIRECTORY and FILENAME. When doing this, enter a number <n> for each search pattern in the parameter suffix of the following parameters. Start with the number 0:


Note that you can have files checked for a maximum of 61 search patterns; the number <n> therefore has a maximum value of 60.




PATTERN_<n>="<character string>"

Search pattern in the file (case sensitive; wildcards are not allowed)


If there is a quotation mark ( ") in the search pattern, you need to set a double quotation mark ( "") in the character string, for example: PATTERN_0 = "<A HREF=""login.html"">".

MESSAGEID_<n>="<message ID>"

RT 149

Message number that is assigned to the alert



Color of the alert in the monitoring infrastructure



Severity of the alert

MESSAGECLASS_<n>="<message class>"


Message Class



Switch for whether the line has to start with the search pattern ( 1) or not ( 0)


Not set

Number of hits as of which every hit no longer triggers an alert, but rather the number is simply reported in a performance node


Not set

Minimum period in minutes that must elapse between two alerts due to the occurrence of the specific search pattern; in this way, you can avoid sequential alerts that occur due to similar error messages in the log file, if an error condition occurs (for more information about this parameter, refer to SAP Note 1247373).

By default, there is no minimum period between two alerts ( 0), the maximum period is 2592000 minutes (a month).

Search pattern to be displayed in the monitored files

You can also display search patterns to which no alerts are to be assigned (such as version or date information). If a search pattern of this type is found, the Alert Monitor displays the corresponding line as the content of a separate text attribute. You can define the name of the text attribute yourself:



APPL_INFO_<n>="<character string>"

Search pattern in the file (case sensitive; wildcards are not allowed)


Name of the text attribute in which the line is displayed; the complete node name is INFO[<MTE name>]


More information about the monitored search patterns and search patterns to be displayed: Select the File Content that is to Be Monitored.


More information: Example Log File Templates