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Enabling/Disabling Remote Access in FPN ConnectionsLocate this document in the navigation structure


Content usage mode: remote role assignment, remote delta link

Applies to: producers, consumers

This topic describes how to:

  • Control the access of remote FPN producers from your portal.

  • Control the access of your portal from remote FPN consumers.

  • You are authorized to access the portal role containing the Federated Portal workset.

  • You have at least administrator read-write permission for the FPN connections you want to work with. For more information, see Assigning Administrator Permissions to FPN Connections .


Enabling/Disabling Remote Access for New FPN Connections

To control access to and from your system for all newly created FPN connections, toggle the Block my system from consuming shared content from new remote systems and Block new remote systems from consuming my shared content checkboxes in the FPN Control Panel (in the Connection Options tab).

Note that any changes to these settings apply only to FPN connections created after this change; existing FPN connections are not affected.

Enabling/Disabling Remote Access for Existing FPN Connections

To change the remote access status of an existing FPN connection, do the following:

  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step Federated Portal Next navigation step SAP NetWeaver - FPN Connections Next navigation step Manage My FPN Connections End of the navigation path.

    The My FPN Connections tab appears.

    The current access status of your system (as a producer or as a consumer) in relation to a remote system in each FPN connection is displayed in the My FPN Connections table in the My System as Producer and My System as Consumer columns.

  2. In the My FPN Connections table, select the FPN connection.

  3. Choose Connection and then one of the following menu options.

    When your portal is the producer:

    Menu Option


    Allow Access to My Content

    The remote consumer can consume your exposed content.

    Prevent Access to My Content

    The remote consumer cannot consume your exposed content.

    When your portal is the consumer (note that this functionality does not apply to an SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment system without usage type EP Core - Application Portal (EPC)):

    Menu Option


    Allow Access to Remote Content

    You can consume the exposed content of the remote producer.

    Prevent Access to Remote Content

    You cannot consume the exposed content of the remote producer.