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An alert category contains various properties and other specifications that define the alert within that category. The category defines the conditions when a specific alert is sent to whom.



Alert categories can be defined by applications or customers using the alert category definition environment, which is accessed in transaction ALRTCATDEF. You can define an alert category to suit your business requirements. When the critical situation defined in the alert category arises, the system recognizes this and sends an alert instance of this category to the recipients determined.


An alert category can be assigned to a specific alert classification. Alert classifications help to organize and group alert categories. If you do not assign a category to a specific classification, it will be stored in the classification folder Unclassified.


An alert category is defined by the following:

  • Technical key (language-independent) for identification purposes

  • Description (language-dependent)

  • Classification

  • Priority

  • Maximum number of deliveries. (This applies to delivery to a destination other than the alert inbox.)

  • Expiry time (in minutes) after which the alert is deleted

  • Escalation recipient to whom the alert is sent if it is not confirmed by any of its recipients

  • Tolerance time before escalation

  • Short text, long text, and title

    The title is used as mail title, fax subject, and alert title in the inbox. The long text is used as mail/fax body and the long text view in the inbox. The short text is used for pager and SMS.

  • Container for variable definition if variables are to be used in the texts, or for other application-specific attributes

  • Subsequent activities in the form of URLs

For more information about these properties and specifications, see Defining Alert Categories.