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Finding and Listing ActivitiesLocate this document in the navigation structure


Use the activities command of the DTR command line tool to search for activities that satisfy certain criteria. Whenever an activity or propagation list is checked in or integrated into a workspace, a new Integration Sequence Number (ISN) is associated with this event. The first integration into a workspace will have integration sequence number 1, the second 2 and so on. It is possible to search for activities based on a workspace and integration sequence number.


Finding All Activities Integrated into a Specific Workspace

  • To find all activities integrated into workspace //test/dev with an integration sequence number in the range between 6 and 10, execute:

    acts -w //test/dev -risn @6 @10 -fAN -fIN

  • In case you have to find an activity based not on an integration sequence number range but on exactly one integration sequence number instead -8, for example -, use:

    acts -w //test/dev -risn @8 @8 -fAN -fIN

Finding All Closed Activities of a Specific User

An activity can be open or closed. When an activity is created, it is an open activity. When this activity is checked in, it becomes closed. The opposite direction is not possible, a closed activity can never become open again. A closed activity is closed for any change, that is, it cannot be used for checking out a resource. The acts command also makes it possible to search for activities based on their state (open/closed):

To find all closed activities of user X, execute:

acts -c -UX

Finding All Empty Open Activities of a Specific User

When an activity contains no versions (nothing was checked out into this activity), then this activity is called empty. An empty activity can be either opened or closed.

To find all activities of user X that are both empty and open, execute:

acts -UX -o -e

Finding Activities and Propagation Lists

The acts command can also be used to search for propagation lists. Everything said above about searching for activities applies also when you search for propagation lists. The acts command defines two options for this purpose: -p and -px . The -p option means that the propagation lists that satisfy given criteria have to be included in the search result. The -px option means that only the propagation lists and not the activities that satisfy the given criteria have to be included in the result.

To find all activities and propagation lists integrated into workspace //test/dev with an integration sequence number in the range between 6 and 10, execute:

acts -w //test/dev -risn @6 @10 -fAN -fIN -p

Finding Propagation Lists Only

To find all propagation lists (excluding activities) integrated into workspace //test/dev with an integration sequence number in the range between 6 and 10, execute:

acts -w //test/dev -risn @6 @10 -fAN -fIN -px