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Integrating External TablesLocate this document in the navigation structure

To provide an external table that already contains user-specific data for user or role maintenance, implement a class that in turn implements interface IF_PERS_EXTERNAL_TABLE.

Use class CL_SUPER_PERS_ACCESS to implement the interface. From this class all the necessary methods can be inherited. For compatibility reasons, always derive your implementation from this class. This improves stability if the interface is enhanced.

The methods contained will be described briefly below.

Table 1: Copying Users: Method USER_COPY
Parameter Type Description
P_USER_SOURCE UNAME Name of the source user
P_USER_TARGET UNAME Name of the target user
P_PERS_KEY SPERS_KEY Key for the personalization object
P_NO_BUFFER CHAR1 Flag for avoiding buffering
Table 2: Deleting Users: Method USER_DELETE
Parameter Type Description
P_USER UNAME Name of the user whose personalization data should be deleted
P_PERS_KEY SPERS_KEY Key for the personalization object
Table 3: Renaming Users: Method USER_RENAME
Parameter Type Description
P_PERS_KEY SPERS_KEY Key for the personalization object
Table 4: Calling a User Dialog: Method USER_COPY
Parameter Type Description
P_UNAME UNAME Name of the source user
P_PERS_KEY SPERS_KEY Key for the personalization object

Flag for buffering:

If the flag is 'X', the data is not buffered.

Table 5: Transporting Roles: Method USER_COPY
Parameter Type Description
P_ROLE_NAME AGR_NAME Name of the role to be transported
P_PERS_KEY SPERS_KEY Key for the personalization object
P_ORDER TRKORR Transport request with which the data is transported.
Dialog, Deleting, Copying, and Renaming Roles

The methods for the dialog and for deleting, copying, and renaming roles must be implemented in the same way.

Dialog for System Data

The dialog method for system data can be implemented analogously to that for users and roles.

Transporting Data to the System

The method for transporting data to the system can be implemented analogously to that for roles.

Storing the Buffer

With this method, all the data is written from the buffer to the database.


Implement the SAVE_BUFFER method. Buffer the data if it is to be integrated in the user or role maintenance.

Deriving your own Interface Implementation

You can implement your own access methods with inheritance.

Class CL_SUPER_PERS_ACCESS can be used here. You only need to implement the constructor in your own derived class. Assign the names of the table and the field containing the user and role names in the constructor. Dynamically create a header line and an internal table for the access.

This is implemented in example class SPERSD_REUSE_EXTERNAL for table SPERS_FAV.

* ...
  data: l_fieldname type fieldname.

* set types for buffer table
  types: t_buffer_table_user type standard table of spersd_fav
                             with default key.
  types: t_buffer_line_user type spersd_fav.

  types: t_buffer_table_role type standard table of spersd_fav
                             with default key.
  types: t_buffer_line_role type spersd_fav.

* set user table name
  table_user = 'SPERSD_FAV'.
  field_user = 'UNAME'.

* set user table name
  table_role = 'SPERSD_FAV'.
  field_role = 'ROLE'.

* create buffer table and work area
  create data buffer_table_user type t_buffer_table_user.
  create data buffer_line_user type t_buffer_line_user.

* create buffer table and work area
  create data buffer_table_role type t_buffer_table_role.
  create data buffer_line_role type t_buffer_line_role.

* set hidden fields for generic dialog
  l_fieldname = 'MANDT'.
  append l_fieldname to dialog_fields_hide.
  l_fieldname = 'UNAME'.
  append l_fieldname to dialog_fields_hide.
  l_fieldname = 'ROLE'.
  append l_fieldname to dialog_fields_hide.
  l_fieldname = 'NUM'.
  append l_fieldname to dialog_fields_hide.


In the example, the table types for the user-specific and role-specific data is defined and the corresponding buffer tables are created. The names of the table fields that should not be displayed when the generic dialog is used are also specified.