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Programming Example of Working With saprfc.ini FileLocate this document in the navigation structure


            RFC_OPTIONS     rfc_opt;        /*      Parameter for RFC connection    */
            RfcEnvironment(...);    /*      Install error handling function */
            rfc_opt.destination     = "K50";        /*      Destination in saprfc.ini       */
                            /*      and in sideinfo for the SAP     */
                            /*      gateway */
            rfc_opt.connopt = NULL; /*      Connect parameters in   */
                            /*      saprfc.ini file */
            rfc_opt.client  = "000";        /*      Client in SAP R/2       */
            rfc_opt.user    = "RFCTEST";    /*      CPIC user       */
            rfc_opt.password        = "SECRET";     /*      Password        */
            rfc_opt.language        = "E";  /*      Logon language  */
            rfc_opt.trace   = 0;    /*      No RFC trace    */
            rfc_handle = RfcOpen(); /*      Open RFC connection     */



Entry in saprfc.ini file

The saprfc.ini file must be in the same directory as the RFC client program or be defined with its path and file name by the environment variable RFC_INI.

includepicture /SAPIrExtHelp/standard.asp?name=beispiel.gif \bmc \d

Windows: set RFC_INI=d:\rfctest\saprfc.ini

The sideinfo entry for the above test could be as follows:




For more information on the saprfc.ini file, see The SAPRFC.INI File .