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Importing CertificatesLocate this document in the navigation structure


You have received from your certification authority (CA) a file (in the form X.509 Certificate [*.crt] or Base64 Encoded Certificate [*.cert]) containing the following certificates:

  • The certificate for the Java client.

  • The root certificate of the CA

  1. Import the certificate signed by your CA by choosing Import CSR Response in the Start of the navigation path TREXKeyStore Next navigation step Entries: Keystore Entries End of the navigation path window.

  2. Enter the path to the location of the certificate signed by your CA, choose Add, and then choose Import.

    The window below the newly created keystore displays the properties of the certificate. After the certificate has been signed by your CA, the name of the CA in question appears next to the issuer parameter.


You have imported certificates signed by your CA. You then create user-based permissions for the KeystoreAdministrator.