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The Config Tool provides offline configuration of the AS Java. It allows you to modify the properties of all services, managers, and applications on a template and an instance level. It also enables you to manage log configuration, add filters, and edit the JVM parameters.

When you run AS Java Config Tool via GUI or command console interface, it connects to the database and scans the server configuration.


When you work offline, you do not need to have the AS Java running.

Config Tool connects directly to the database and applies the changes.

Each change you perform corresponds to a particular task in the Batch Config tool.

Figure 1: Config Tool Architecture

When the Config Tool is running, it displays the cluster data and the secure store .

Cluster data

It contains the configuration template chosen during installation time. This template consists of:

  • Log configuration, applications, managers and services

    These nodes contain template default data and custom data valid for all instances within the system.

  • All instances available in the cluster

    Each instance contains a list of managers, services, log configurations and applications. These nodes have:

    • Inherited property data - corresponds to template default data.

    • Custom property data - consists of both inherited and custom values. The inherited values correspond to template custom ones. In case, there are no template custom values, the inherited values correspond to the template default ones.

The priority of the property values, in descending order, is: Start of the navigation path  Instance custom value  Next navigation step Template custom value  Next navigation step  Template default value End of the navigation path. That is, for a certain property, the template default value is not valid if there is a template custom value, which is not valid if there is an instance value.

This template is configured to apply the most suitable settings for a given configuration. Nevertheless, if you want to edit a property value, you can set a custom value to this property and it will have priority over the default value.

Secure Store

Use this tab to administer the secure store data of the AS Java. You can also provide additional encryption of the secure store content.

More information: Managing Secure Store Data .


To start the Config Tool, double click the configtool script file from <SAP_install_dir>/<system_name>/<instance_name>/j2ee/configtool directory.

More information: Basic Features of the Config Tool


If you set a custom value to a property in a manager on a particular instance, this value is relevant only for this instance.


If you set an inherited custom value to a property in a manager on a particular instance, this value is visible as an inherited value in the custom property data of the same manager on any instance. This value is relevant only for instances that do not have a custom value previously set for this property.

More Information

To configure your AS Java, use the following two options:

GUI Config Tool

Command Console Config Tool