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Web item that displays information about the data provider, the user, and filter values as well as information about the Web application.


With the Info Field Web item, you can display additional information about the data provider in the Web application.


The following information lists the parameters for the Info Field Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings.




Width in Pixels (WIDTH)


You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)


You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)



You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item should be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)


You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be displayed with an icon that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray .

Internal Display



Headers Visible (HEADERS_VISIBLE)


You use this parameter to determine whether headers are displayed in the Web application.

Display values only (ONLY_VALUES)

You use this parameter to specify whether the individual values are displayed in a simple text form. The values are separated by ";". This parameter allows you to easily access the values by using JavaScript.

Display Static Filter Values (STATIC_FILTERS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether static filter values for the data provider are to be displayed in the Web application by using the Web item. Static filter values are set in the Query Designer.

You can also make settings for static filter values under Static Settings (STATIC_FILTER_VISIBLE_SETTINGS).


Here you have three options for setting the display level:

Display General Text Elements (GENERAL_INFORMATION_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether general text elements such as InfoCube, current user, and so on, are to be displayed in the Web application.

Display Dynamic Filter Values (DYNAMIC_FILTERS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the dynamic filter values are to be displayed in the Web application.

Display Variables (VARIABLES_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether variables are to be displayed in the Web application.

Using the parameter Only Variables with Values (ONLY_VARIABLES_WITH_VALUES), under Variable Settings, you can specify whether only variables with values are to be displayed in the Web application.

Skip Empty Content (SKIP_EMPTY_CONTENT)

You use this parameter to specify whether the empty group content is displayed. If the parameter is active, headers are not displayed for empty content.






You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is possible in the Web application.

Data Binding




You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item obtains the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider.

We advise you to follow the conventions supported by Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters A-Z, 0-9 and _, but cannot start or end with _. Following these conventions makes it easier to upgrade to subsequent SAPreleases.

List of Text Elements to Display (INFORMATION_ELEMENT_LIST)

You use this parameter to create a list of all text elements that are to be displayed in the Web application. Different parameters are to be set for each element in the list depending on the text element type.

The following text element types are possible:

  • General Text Elements (GENERIC_TEXT_ELEMENT)
  • Dynamic Filter (CHARACTERISTIC_LIST)
  • Variable Value (VARIABLE)

If you do not specify this list, all text elements are displayed.

If you selected the text element type General Text Elements(GENERIC_TEXT_ELEMENT), you need to set the following parameters:



General Text Elements for a Data Provider (GENERIC_TEXT_ELEMENT)

You use this parameter to choose the generic text element that is to be displayed:

  • Query Name (QUERY)
  • Query Description (QUERY_DESCRIPTION)
  • InfoProvider Name (INFOPROVIDER)
  • InfoProvider Description (INFOPROVIDER_DESCRIPTION)
  • Key Date (QUERY_KEYDATE)
  • Last Data Update (ROLLUPTIME)
  • Author (AUTHOR)
  • Changed At (CHANGED_AT)
  • Changed By (LAST_CHANGED_BY)
  • Current User (CURRENT_USER)
  • Last Refresh (LAST_REFRESHED)
  • Web Template (TEMPLATE)
  • System (SYSTEM)
  • Last Data Refresh (ROLLUPTIME_MAX)
  • Main Object Name (MAIN_OBJECT_NAME)

    You can display the main object in the template properties. This allows you, for example, to define the report or query as the main object for generic default Web templates.

  • Description of Main Object Name (MAIN_OBJECT_DESRIPTION)

    See the text element Main Object Name.

If you have selected the text element type Dynamic Filter (CHARACTERISTIC_LIST), you need to set the following parameters:



List of Characteristics (CHARACTERISTIC_LIST)

You use this parameter to specify for each row the characteristic that is displayed as a dynamic filter.

If you have selected the text element type Static Filter (STATIC_CHARACTERISTIC_LIST), you need to set the following parameters:



List of Characteristics for Static Filter (STATIC_CHARACTERISTIC_LIST)

You use this parameter to specify for each row the characteristic that is displayed as a static filter.