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Defining a System Without Load BalancingLocate this document in the navigation structure


In the RFC adapter, you define an SAP system without load balancing for the RFC client, the RFC metadata repository, or an alternative metadata repository.

  1. Under Application Server, enter the host name of the SAP system.
  2. Enter the System Number of the SAP system.

    This is a two-digit numeric value.

  3. Select the Authentication Mode
    • Use Logon data for SAP system
      • Specify the Logon User.
      • Enter the Password and confirm.
    • Use Secure Network Connection for RFC
      • Select the required level of protection under Quality of Protection.
      • Enter the SNC Partner Name.
      • To make additional entries for SNC, choose SNC Advanced Mode.
      • Under SNC Name, enter your own SNC name.
      • Under Path to SNC Library, specify the SNC library with the relevant path.

        See: Setting the SNC Parameters

  4. Specify the Logon Language.
  5. Specify the Logon Client.