SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Security Guide
Before You Start
Technical System Landscape
Technical Communication
Business Communication
Communication Destinations
Message-Level Security
Certificate Store
Archiving Secured Messages
Network and Transport Layer Security
Communication Ports
Network Zones
Adapter-Specific Security Settings
Adapters Running on the Integration Engine
Adapters Running on the Advanced Adapter Engine
IDoc Adapter (AAE)
RFC Adapter
SOAP Adapter
SAP Business Connector Adapter
Marketplace Adapter
RosettaNet RNIF Adapters
CIDX Adapter
File/FTP, JDBC, JMS, and Mail Adapters
HTTP Adapter (AAE)
Adapters Running on the Adapter Engine (Java SE)
User Management and Authorization Concepts
User Management for SAP NetWeaver PI Standard Installation (PI)
User Management for Non-Central AAE (PI-AE )
User Management for the AEX (PI-AEX)
User Management for SAP Partner Connectivity Kit (PI-PCK)
Standard Users (Dual-Stack)
User Store
Changing Service User
Service User for Internal Communication
Service User for Message Exchange
Standard Users (AEX)
User Types
Roles (AS ABAP)
Integration into Single Sign-On Environments
Roles for Cross-Component Business Process Management
UME Roles and Actions (AS Java)
Special Actions
Roles for Secure Usage of the Integration Directory Programming Interface
Role-Based Authorizations in ES Repository and Integration Directory
ACL-Based Authorizations
ACL-Based Authorizations in ES Repository and Integration Directory
ACL-Based Authorizations for Service Users
Security Concepts for B2B Communication
Further Security-Related Topics
Protection of Sensitive Message Data
Potential Visibility of Sensitive Message Data
Messaging Components of the Integration Engine
Java-Based Messaging Components